Wind socks?


New member
Has anyone tried using wind socks for bench rest shooting? I've made light weight wind flags/vanes and they're too fast moving for my liking.

During competition there's no such thing as "too fast". The best thing would be: if you could know what was about to happen before it actually does. Yup, quick movers are a must.


During competition there's no such thing as "too fast". The best thing would be: if you could know what was about to happen before it actually does. Yup, quick movers are a must.


I agree. The best any flag can do is show what has already happened. Some are much closer to real time than others.
Damn I was afraid of that. That means either my old brain is too slow or maybe my technique is wrong. Are you guys saying one eye is looking through the scope while the other is looking at and analysing 2-4 fast twirling flags? Yikes!
Are there any good threads you all can recommend on flag and scope sighting?

Thanks, Ed.
Thanks Landy.

I read those articles and picked up a few things I didn't know.
I also need to learn how to use the flags to hold over properly. The way I did it at the EBR, using others' flags, was to find the best holdover on the sighters that worked with common wind patterns on the flags. I then waited for the same wind patterns to shoot the targets with the same holdover. Is this how others do it or do they change their holdover on the fly depending on any wind direction and strength?
I imagine there are many techniques but I'd like to hear what most shooters do.

Most good shooters say that they they pick up the 2-3 of the most prevalent conditions and only shoot those conditions....As you mention, they shoot sighters for for finding out where to aim for each condition...
To me the hardest shots are head and tail winds, specially when wind velocity is constantly changing...Where we shoot there is a huge POI difference in between head winds coming from 10-11 and 12 o'clock.
Wind Socks ?

There are plenty of great wind flags on Benchrest Classified including the
flag Todd used to win the 2011 World Air Rifle Championship
Hope this don't add to the confusion