Wind Flags



What flags do you use ?

Do you use a wind vane ?

Do you use up downs ?

I use wind rivers flags and like them so far ...

How does everyone space there flags ?

Jim I use five flags with props and a ball painted red and white to help see a quartering wind,spacing is in any opening or at berms or anything that could deflect the wind.The tails are yellow,easier to see.
Jim I use five flags with props and a ball painted red and white to help see a quartering wind,spacing is in any opening or at berms or anything that could deflect the wind.The tails are yellow,easier to see.

I saw and watched Mel's flags a few weeks ago and think they are excelent. Very visible and readable, from what I could tell.

On the same day I saw a set of flags Ray Hill had made and thought them to be very inovative and first class. I lust in my heart for a set of them, even after having just finished up on building a new set of my own :(. I wouldn't mind a set of Mel's either :)
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Pete They are easy to make if you want one to copy give me a call.
I have orlando flags. with ball nose. I use 4. Not an expert but trying to read and learn to use them. I try to space them evenly
Are smudge pots legal? I've long thought they would be a great indicator of air movement.

That is funny that you mention that Charles. I have to burn a citronella candle to keep the skeeters away and watch that black smoke off that candle is a good indicator of what is happening right at the bench.
P.S. Have keeney's because I am not handy and Melvin won't make me any flags... ;)
Hi Tuna,

Penny and I use Wick's flags that are starting to show their age. Just like me I guess.

We set out five flags along with a WindProbe. We space the flags slightly closer near the bench and slightly further apart near the target. We place the probes about one third off the way downrange fron the bench. Most of our flags have props.

A little story about whirligigs Vs no whirligigs. Several years ago I removed all the props from my flags. I found I was fixated on the props and not paying enough attention to the tails. Well, this was fine untill we got a very rainy day. The breeze was light. My flags without props told me exactly nothing. The tails just hung there like a...limp...well you know what. The guys on both sides of me had props on their flags and they were getting the info they needed. So when I got home I put my props back on. One should pay a lot of attention to those tails. By-the-way, the probe becomes next to usless in the rain and in very light conditions.

No, I do not use the bobbing flags, just to much for this ol' boy to absorb.

I use a set of 5 Wicks Large Single Vane flags with propellors. I also use a Beggs Wind Probe (sometimes 2 of them). I have used Harris flags, Carbon River flags, Keeney flags, and dual vane Wicks (small) and have found the large single vane Wicks to be the very best.

Pete Call me with your mailing info and I will send you one.
I've been through three brands of flags. My first set was by Mr. Rymkyma up in Jersey. I switched to Wick flaks and a Wick windicator and used them for years. They were really sensitive but bulky. I now six of the Aussie single vane flags but have replaced the tails (as they are for centerfire) and use a light black tail from Sinclair. Though expensive ($100 a pop) they are worth it. The sides are different colors (orange and green) and the props are multicolored to aid you in detecting small changes in wind direction. In a match I use 3 Mc Cormick Windicators in addition, which I've really found helpful when the flags are lying. The Wick windicator is quite helpful because it rotates with changes in wind direction whereas many of the others just give you right and left hand velocity changes.
Yeah, I believe in overkill but I can justify the up and down jobs as that, is to be , information overload.
Bob Pekaar