Wind Flag Question

At the Nationals in St Louis, I saw some rather large (for lack of a better color description) "electric pink" wind flags. They really stood out especially beyond the 100 yard line. Does anyone know who made those or what color that really was?

Pink,, mine? I don't think so! If I had let Buddy Ross pick they would be pink with black polka dots....
He claims that's confidence...
What's wrong with pink? Personally, I prefer whatever color shows up best. I make and sell flags in two standard color options. All are fluorescent, with one option being fluorescent pink with fluorescent chartreuse(greenish yellow). The other being fluorescent green with fluorescent orange. I only offer the green/orange version for those that like flags that don't show up as well as the others.;)
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What's wrong with pink? Personally, I prefer whatever color shows up best. I make and sell flags in two standard color options. All are fluorescent, with one option being fluorescent pink with fluorescent chartreuse(greenish yellow). The other being fluorescent green with fluorescent orange. I only offer the green/orange version for those that like flags that don't show up as well as the others.;)

Pink is a popular color.The Sheriff of Maricopa County ,in Arizona ,requires that the jail inmates wear pink underwear. He says it makes em not want to come back to his jail.:D

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Very often, the flags that you need to watch are not your own. Tony Boyer told me that so I can't take credit for the statement but it's true. I watched a fellow shoot just this weekend and when the flags far to the right changed his group got bigger. I told him what I thought was going on and he said he knew it. Easier said than done I suppose!!

That, to say this - I don't think it matters what color flags you have.
Pink is a popular color.The Sheriff of Maricopa County ,in Arizona ,requires that the jail inmates wear pink underwear. He says it makes em not want to come back to his jail.:D


It probably works on some of them! Maybe he does it so he can see them, too.;)

IMHO, it's silly to base equipment decisions on color. I think the old saying goes something like this.."I'd rather win ugly than to lose pretty."
Or maybe it's "Pretty is, as pretty does.". Either way, I've got color options to please all. Some people would rather push a Chevy than drive a Ford. Evidently that's more than a cliche.;)
Pink is a popular color.The Sheriff of Maricopa County ,in Arizona ,requires that the jail inmates wear pink underwear. He says it makes em not want to come back to his jail.:D


Actually, Sheriff Joe was loosing too many pairs of underwear thru the "work/release" program where prisoners got to go to work during the day and return to the jail at night. He dyed all the underwear pink and the losses stopped!
There are times when people don't get a joke and I guess this was one them...
In any case it's more popular to have flags that show orange or red when the wind comes from the right and green when it comes from the left. Now the rules say you can do pink, chartreuse (amazing I could spell that), or any other color you wish, HOWEVER, it sure is nice to be able to look at the field as the wind is changing and SEE the whole field as a color pattern. For those that concentrate on THEIR flags only, I hope they enjoy the fun part of the sport after the shooting is done for the day 'cause sure as hell they can only win in a trigger pull.
There are times when people don't get a joke and I guess this was one them...
In any case it's more popular to have flags that show orange or red when the wind comes from the right and green when it comes from the left. Now the rules say you can do pink, chartreuse (amazing I could spell that), or any other color you wish, HOWEVER, it sure is nice to be able to look at the field as the wind is changing and SEE the whole field as a color pattern. For those that concentrate on THEIR flags only, I hope they enjoy the fun part of the sport after the shooting is done for the day 'cause sure as hell they can only win in a trigger pull.
Well Larry, I say this with all due respect..what shade of green and red is perfect in your opinion, anyway. Afterall, chartreuse and pink are shades of green and red, respectively. I make them that way with what you are talking about in mind. It is my belief that the color scheme is close enough that you instantly understand what they are saying without confusion. I would agree if you were talking about showing green in a red or orange condition. I don't think there is anything worse. My goal was and is to make the most visible flag that still stays withing the green and red color spectrums.
But, as I said, I also have green with orange, for those that prefer that, as well as custom colors.
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What's wrong with pink? Personally, I prefer whatever color shows up best. I make and sell flags in two standard color options. All are fluorescent, with one option being fluorescent pink with fluorescent chartreuse(greenish yellow). The other being fluorescent green with fluorescent orange. I only offer the green/orange version for those that like flags that don't show up as well as the others.;)

Oh, and there was a joke in my post as well. Did you see it Larry?
There are times when people don't get a joke and I guess this was one them...
In any case it's more popular to have flags that show orange or red when the wind comes from the right and green when it comes from the left. Now the rules say you can do pink, chartreuse (amazing I could spell that), or any other color you wish, HOWEVER, it sure is nice to be able to look at the field as the wind is changing and SEE the whole field as a color pattern. For those that concentrate on THEIR flags only, I hope they enjoy the fun part of the sport after the shooting is done for the day 'cause sure as hell they can only win in a trigger pull.

My issue is that I can't see the orange flags past about 80 yards. The fluorescent green ones are quite visible to me all the way to 200. I am not trying to be different, I just need something that I can see.
Back when I could see pretty good, I wondered why folks even painted flags. With the tail, which all/most flags seem to have, it's fairly easy to see which way they are pointed but I reckon I was the only one that thought that. I remember going to a match with white flags, both sides, and got I didn't do that again....
I suppose I was being too strict in my view. I still have no idea what chartreuse looks like so if it's a shade of red fine.
We just finished the world team thing and the Australian team had reversed color flags next to me. I know those banditos did it purpose! Next time I'm going to get some pink and green flags from you and watch them squirm! Revenge will be sweet!! ? ?
Ps. I got your joke. ?