Wind correction.

To expand on Pedro and Tim's comments, you need several flags downrange. Sighters are a must but, how do you know nothing changes before record shots without anything down range to tell you? Sometimes one flag just a little different can mean drastic changes in point of impact. It can be the first flag or the one closest to the target or anything between. Other days everything can be different and you still can hold center. I have found velocity to be a bigger problem than direction. Even with every flag the same, a change in wind speed will move your bullet (sometimes a lot). I use four flags and two windacators spaced more or less equally from the bench to target. Sometimes adjusted for range features. There are days the wind is blowing hard enough you know direction and velocity is key I look mostly at the winacators. Other days wind is nil and direction is key. Those days flag tails tell you velocity and windacators stand idle. As mentioned already, this is worth repeating, flags tell you when to shoot, but more important, when not to shoot.
