Wild River Competition - October 28, 2020


Active member
Wild River Air Rifle - Grants Pass, Oregon
USARB Report - Outdoor October 28, 2020

Chilly 33 degree start marked the final outdoor shoot of our season.
Time for us Oregon dwellers to shift indoors.

Shooter Class Equipment Tar. 1 Tar. 2 Tar. 3 Total
Relay I
Tom Santos HV Feinwerkbau P70 .177 249 12x 247 9x 247 5x 743 26x

Bill Davis HV R.A.W. TM1000 .177 245 9x 246 9x 243 5x 734 23x

Ron Silveira Opn Thomas BR .177 247 14x 246 13x 250 8x 743 35x

Relay II
Bill Davis HV R.A.W. TM1000 .177 244 6x 247 10x 247 11x 738 27x

Ron Silveira Opn Thomas BR .177 250 14x 249 8x 250 11x 749 33x

Next rifle competition will be Indoors November 11 beginning at 9:00 am.
Ron Silveira, Match Director