Wild River Air Rifle - USARB report Indoor December 26 2018


Wild River Air Rifle - USARB report Indoor December 26 2018
The last match of the calendar year had some great scores. Congratulations to Ron for a great 1500-104X aggregate in LV. Dick, & Tony all had 250’s. Boomer, you were missed. Hope you had a great Christmas. & Tony was back with us. See everyone in 2019!

Shooter Class Equipment Tar. 1 Tar. 2 Tar. 3 Total

Relay I
Ron Silveira LV Thomas BR .177 250 17x 250 15x 250 18x 750 50x
Dick Strever LV Steyr LG100 .177 248 7x 250 18x 248 17x 746 42x

Tony Farcello HV Feinwerkbau P70 .177 248 15x 250 12x 249 12x 747 39x
Frank Kodl HV Thomas BR .177 248 9x 250 12x 249 10x 747 31x
Tom Santos HV Feinwerkbau P70 .177 246 7x 250 7x 249 10x 745 24x
Steve Ware HV R.A.W. TM1000 .177 245 8x 248 10x 249 9x 742 27x

Chris Lovitt Opn R.A.W. TM1000 .177 247 13x 249 9x 249 17x 745 39x

Relay II
Ron Silveira LV Thomas BR .177 250 18x 250 19x 250 17x 750 54x
Dick Strever LV Steyr LG100 .177 249 18x 250 12x 249 16x 748 46x
Frank Kodl LV Thomas BR .177 247 12x 239 9x 246 12x 732 33x

Tony Farcello HV Feinwerkbau P70 .177 249 15x 248 11x 248 16x 745 42x
Steve Ware HV R.A.W. TM1000 .177 246 11x 249 10x 247 17x 742 38x

Chris Lovitt Opn R.A.W. TM1000 .177 248 15x 249 15x 247 10x 744 40x

Next rifle competition will be Indoors January 9, beginning at 9:00 am.
Steve Ware, Match Director
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I'm probably not alone in wishing

Ron and Dick would you consider writing a tutorial on how to shoot that consistently well? Both outdoors and indoors.

I'd understand if you'd rather not publish your techniques. If so it's ok to just send them to my PM :cool:
rule number one is shoot all the same good tested pellets for each target
i will check with Ron to see how many more of our secrets he thinks we can expose to you :)
Magic Pellets

The tutorial is a good idea, but what I want to know is, "Dick or Ron, how much do you want for one of those tins of pellets"!!!

now that Chas has brought up the money issue
there is something you have to do before rule #1
purchase as often as possible pellets to test for your barrel
and test as soon as the test pellets are acquired to purchase more of the good ones
and practice, practice and practice some more with all those non good ones
do not waste the good ones on practice
we all eventually do run out of the good ones
so they are almost NEVER for sale :)
the last time i shot with you the wind was so strong it blew half of my flags over
but you shot very well
i think you might be the person to do a tutorial on outdoor shooting :)
Thanks Dick

That was a day to remember - and what I remember most is how stressful it was shooting in those conditions.

I think I did what everyone does: wait for the couple of shootable conditions that recur. That day there were gusts that could send you to the next bull, but maybe 20% of the time flags and windicator* gave accurate information. The necessary continuous concentration was difficult and mentally exhausting.

I had a bad case of "nerves" that match, and it helped to take a walk between cards rather than obsessing. I wish I had your and Ron's equanimity!

"Home court advantage" was the biggest help :cool:

*(This match was a good example of why not to shoot when the flag tails are horizontal. That condition indicated a hold-off range somewhere between two rings and 100 ;) )

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Get them while they last

I agree with you Dick about getting some lots to test and then testing them quickly, so in case there is a good lot in there you can order more before they are sold out. That happened to me once.

I’m tuning in here more often!, learning... so if anyone does have a few 13.4 jsb’s 4.54 or+ laying around, I’ll take’em off your hands! My barrels love em! Good shooting guys, I can only shoot 10m indoors unsactioned

I gave up weighing,air gauging etc several years ago. I buy a sleeve of monsters that have the red sticker
With the die number on it. I clean between each card. I do check for a bent skirt before loading. The first tin shot a 250 high X count. I label that tin ok. The next card was the second tin and also a 250 with high X count also labeled that tin OK. The third tin shot around the 10 ring with a low X count. I labeled that tin so so.
The second match the 4th tin was better with a 250 and good X count. Labeled OK. The fifth tin was all around the 10 with very low X count and dropped a couple of points.the 6th tin was all around the ten ring and dropped some more points.
I still have pellets I shoot outside from 2008, 2011, for Light Varmit
And a bunch from 2011 and 2010 in 18 gr and 16 gr I shoot in my SUMO.

When you find something that works buy all you can!
Glad to see you up and about Paul
you are experiencing a lot of the same problems we are
i had an awesome tin of 8.4's and got a sleeve and only found one tin in the sleeve was OK
no where near as good as the first tin, just OK