
Charles E


Since Elmer seems to be a man of uncommon good sense, I think Benchrest Central would benefit if he'd spend some time reviewing posts in the Rimfire Forum. I hesitate to delete posts, but too much there strains our rules, as well as civility. Giving infractions seems to do little good.

What does it hurt, aside from the people maligned? I recently started shooting rimfire, and went there to gain some help from experienced shooters. Most of the "information" freely given tended to make me question the decision to shoot rimfire.

Charles, I've been shooting Rimfire Benchrest since the early-mid ninety's and I now clearly understand why I've been losing interest for some time. Just a shame.
Matches are another environment:

I have yet to go to a Rifle Match where everyone there wasn't friendly and open about what is going on, perhaps not everyone but the majority. A problem comes with writing things. Many time folks don't necessarily mean to be nasty or may be talking tongue in cheek but it looks ugly, often. It is easy to be nasty to each other in writing. Doing it, as the older folks use to say, "To Their Teeth" is another matter. I wouldn't give up on one of the nicest Sports ever just because a few folks are PO'd at each other. They are a very small minority. In my opinion, Rimfire Benchrest is the best of the Benchrest Sports I have tried , so far. Airgun promises to be as good, mebby better.
I have yet to go to a Rifle Match where everyone there wasn't friendly and open about what is going on, perhaps not everyone but the majority. A problem comes with writing things. Many time folks don't necessarily mean to be nasty or may be talking tongue in cheek but it looks ugly, often. It is easy to be nasty to each other in writing. . . .

Your point being, let them shoot, but not post on BR Central? I can live with that.
Fortunately the folks we shoot rimfire are a fine bunch, and I enjoy shooting with them all and spending time with them.
As of late there's a few that appear to have an agenda to run some down and hawk others products.
Wilbur needs to get on top of it. The crap just isn't need it, or wanted.
Wilbur is a good man:)
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I have yet to go to a Rifle Match where everyone there wasn't friendly and open about what is going on, perhaps not everyone but the majority. A problem comes with writing things. Many time folks don't necessarily mean to be nasty or may be talking tongue in cheek but it looks ugly, often. It is easy to be nasty to each other in writing. Doing it, as the older folks use to say, "To Their Teeth" is another matter. I wouldn't give up on one of the nicest Sports ever just because a few folks are PO'd at each other. They are a very small minority. In my opinion, Rimfire Benchrest is the best of the Benchrest Sports I have tried , so far. Airgun promises to be as good, mebby better.

Pops always told me never say or do anything you weren't prepared to stand by. It made good advice then just as it makes good advice now. Unfortunately communication is only about 40% verbal or written in our case hence the occasional misunderstandings. I've been shooting .22BR on and off for about 7-8 years and found the majority of fellow shooters to be decent fella's. There are one or two around who's ego's, fat mouths and poor attitudes make them a minor annoyance. But that's life. Like yappy dogs, you learn to ignore them and get on with what you came for. The occasional toe in the ribs works wonders on yappy dogs and minor annoyances both.

Personally I regard the bickering and squabbling that we periodically see around the various shooting fora as nothing more than what you would find in any bar on a friday or saturday night. Mostly entertaining and when it get boorish easy to ignore.