Mike Ezell
It's your website...censor it if you want to...but that's what it is. I for one am not for censoring to appease what is the minority among gun owners. The majority of gun owners know the reality of killing something and are not offended by it. This is a BR forum and as long as the primary focus is just that, I can't see a problem with some other gun related topics that may include pictures. It's reality. God (and maybe a few PC people) forbid we have any clue about that
. Oh yea. We don't have to look at any post or pic that we don't want to. Just go to the next thread or subject. It's that simple. As long as it's my choice to read or view what I choose, I'll never complain about what is posted here. ---JMHO though--Mike Ezell
It's your website...censor it if you want to...but that's what it is. I for one am not for censoring to appease what is the minority among gun owners. The majority of gun owners know the reality of killing something and are not offended by it. This is a BR forum and as long as the primary focus is just that, I can't see a problem with some other gun related topics that may include pictures. It's reality. God (and maybe a few PC people) forbid we have any clue about that