Wilbur please...

  • Thread starter Dennis Sorensen
  • Start date

It's your website...censor it if you want to...but that's what it is. I for one am not for censoring to appease what is the minority among gun owners. The majority of gun owners know the reality of killing something and are not offended by it. This is a BR forum and as long as the primary focus is just that, I can't see a problem with some other gun related topics that may include pictures. It's reality. God (and maybe a few PC people) forbid we have any clue about that:rolleyes:. Oh yea. We don't have to look at any post or pic that we don't want to. Just go to the next thread or subject. It's that simple. As long as it's my choice to read or view what I choose, I'll never complain about what is posted here. ---JMHO though--Mike Ezell
great, play the 'censorship' card

It's your website...censor it if you want to...but that's what it is.

Okay, so how about posting pictures of naked women holding guns? If Wilbur, who OWNS this website, decides that's not appropriate, is that censorship?

If your neighbor wants to put a sign on your lawn that says "Ban Guns" and you take it down, is that censorship?

If you wear a T-shirt that says "The Yankees take steroids" to their new stadium, and you're told to leave, is that censorship?

This website is Wilbur's property. He gets to operate it the way he wishes. If Wilbur decides that pictures of dead animals, and/or naked women, and/or religious figures, and/or Fabio, and/or The Partridge Family don't have a place on this forum, then that's his prerogative.

To call that censorship is ridiculous and erroneous. But it's a tactic -- such invocation of inflammatory words -- that the left likes to use, when it's convenient to their cause. Don't be like them.

Okay, so how about posting pictures of naked women holding guns? If Wilbur, who OWNS this website, decides that's not appropriate, is that censorship?

If your neighbor wants to put a sign on your lawn that says "Ban Guns" and you take it down, is that censorship?

If you wear a T-shirt that says "The Yankees take steroids" to their new stadium, and you're told to leave, is that censorship?

This website is Wilbur's property. He gets to operate it the way he wishes. If Wilbur decides that pictures of dead animals, and/or naked women, and/or religious figures, and/or Fabio, and/or The Partridge Family don't have a place on this forum, then that's his prerogative.

To call that censorship is ridiculous and erroneous. But it's a tactic -- such invocation of inflammatory words -- that the left likes to use, when it's convenient to their cause. Don't be like them.

I totally agree.
Well Dave...

I don't think there will be any legal guns in 50 years. With the schools help and education, and the news media's slanted views, people will gladly give up those dangerous things and thus end crime and killings. There won't be enough rednecks and good old boys around to stop it. The whole damn world is so politically correct it makes me sick. People do not have any b@lls any more.

Glad i ain't 20.


if you are right, the media will then stop covering gun related crimes to give the populace the illusion that no guns = no more dead people, sort of the opposite of what they do now in over emphasizing gun related crime and providing only one sided reports. Lets hope you are wrong.
We were traveling to a shootin' match and talking about long shots we had made. My friend stated that he quit shooting crows when he learned that they mate for life. Before I thought, I said that the solution for that would be to kill them both. Clearly, his concern for the emotional status of a crow bested mine. While it may appear that I remain insensitive, just yesterday I opened the door and let a beetle bug walk out rather than smashing his guts out on the floor. Once outside, he probably froze to death, but my conscience doesn't have another dead bug to deal with.

Hey Wilbur......

I might just print this post off and hang on my gunroom wall, standalone.. :)

Funny AND wise....... a real cornfucious if I do say so.

thank you

I have to say that when I first saw the tile of this thread the first thing that came to mind was that whenever you say Mr Ed's mouth moving it was because a stage hand was diddling him with a carrot.

I have very little desire to hunt these days but I do like to know I have excellent hunting rifles and know how to use them should bagging game be necessary to fill the pot.
Killing varmints is less sport than work, I have no sympathy for vermin (no matter how many legs it walks on for that matter).
[B]We are about accuracy[/B]

I think we all know what a dead animal looks like. While it may not offend most of us because we have hunted, I think that a photo of a live animal in the wilds looks better to most of us.

It is better that we do not have too many rules but rather we exercise good taste.

Concho Bill