Wilbur please...

  • Thread starter Dennis Sorensen
  • Start date

Dennis Sorensen

What is the preference of Benchrest Central regarding posting pictures of varmints and game that have been shot?

I recall a discussion a few years back about this and I as I remember it you and many members preferred game pictures did not get posted as there are many hunting sites that are more appropriate.

I may have been in error but I deleted some pictures posted in the General Discussion forum of dead game and varmints.

Please move this to that forum with an answer.

Thanks, Dennis
Sportsman vs Sadistic Game Killing

There is a difference. Hunters who pay license fees harvest game according to game regulations. Poachers and maulers kill for their own sadistic pleasure. Thanks Dennis.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
I have to disagree at little Stephen. Just because something is legal, doesn't make it moral, and just because something is illegal, doesn't make it immoral. I use the words moral/immoral because of the use of sadistic. Just because a person poaches a deer doesn't mean he's sadistic. Maybe he's layed off (like a lot of people) and trying to feed his family and the costs of the tags are high enough the money would be better spent using it for gas trying to find a job. I don't poach and am not condoning it but I have my own farm and don't have to buy tags anyway. Would I let a friend hunt on my ground to feed his family.....you bet. When my father had a cattle farm, we had a lot of cattle stolen over the years. My dad never said a word about someone who stole a calf to feed his family with if the person was on hard time by no fault of his. I didn't understand competely at the time because to me, stealing was stealing. Took me several years and a few trips around the world to understand what he meant. On the other side of the story though, I remember on many occasions him put rounds at the feet of just scumbags.

Someone poaching to feed his family is one thing, but in Montana this fall we've had two or three trophy quality bull moose killed and left to rot, along with several deer, elk, and pronghorns. The people who do that sort of thing don't usually have their pictures taken with the carcass though.

Sorry, but I had to vent. :(
I don't have a problem with someone feeding their family.

But this year I found a mule deer with the head cut off and the rest left to rot.

I would have no trouble turning someone in for just cutting the head off or shooting stuff and letting them lay.

Game for Eating

I agree with you that poaching for family food is another matter. After all we are just caretakers of animals we raise. Animals are here on Earth for different reasons. Some provide a meal for others some make a meal for us.

As hunters and game harvesters we have a responsibility to be frugal in what we take. I know shooter/friend that hunts just to fill a limit and never harvests what he kills. He enjoys the kill pictutes and talkin the hunt. When it comes time to harvest he finds a place to sleep and never eats the harvest. We stopped inviting him and his kids, kids have developed the same attitude.

Being a Sportsman hunter brings on allot of obligation that I and others do not take lightly. To get down to it allot of hunters are killers with no intention of harvesting the game. Some kill and leave what they kill. The obsession of pulling the trigger on game in my mind and many other Sportsman has many consequences in dealing with the generic public that does not share our touch with nature.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
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Now the comments between my last post and this one I agree with....very good posts. I do wish that some laws could be altered to include harvesting crop damaging animals but as it is right now, its a shoot and let lay in this state. It's been a few years since we had to thin the deer this way because of better monitoring of deer populations and extra tag programs by county, I hate waste. Sure wish I could find good recipes for coyotees and crows, I'd say the same for woodchucks/groundhogs and racoons but I've got cooking them down to a art form.

Hovis eat a Coyote after he eats a Couple Chickens

That could be tolerable. Crows there ain't no hope for them they are not game birds.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
It all runs together...

I don't remember....a lot these day. Better said, I don't remember much at all. Doesn't matter since we can come up with a whole new policy at any moment.

It's my belief that photos of shot up and dead animals don't fit in with the "motif" of the overall site. We should discuss this before making the decision. The range of potential photos make it impossible for any compromise. It's either on or off.

As an aside thought, I've long believed that those Saturday morning hunting shows aren't helping the pro-gun effort in the long term. Kinda like somebody said something that's the "honest to gosh truth" but really didn't need to be said. I'm perfectly capable of walking into the woods with a "505 Improved Kubla Khan Nitro Express" and blowing a whitetail's brains out as he forages for acorns. Further, I have pictures to support that capability. But...I don't want it on TV for the mothers of future gun owners to see and perhaps develop an adverse training program.

OOPS! Got off on a rant there....sorry.

Say what you want to say about this (as if you would hold back :)) and we'll decide what to do.
I almost lost a friendship over crows

We were traveling to a shootin' match and talking about long shots we had made. My friend stated that he quit shooting crows when he learned that they mate for life. Before I thought, I said that the solution for that would be to kill them both. Clearly, his concern for the emotional status of a crow bested mine. While it may appear that I remain insensitive, just yesterday I opened the door and let a beetle bug walk out rather than smashing his guts out on the floor. Once outside, he probably froze to death, but my conscience doesn't have another dead bug to deal with.
crow, boiled with black beans

With crows, we boil'm with black beans.

When they get nice & tender, use the mix to seal your driveway. Effective, but doesn't smell as good as the commercial sealer!

Regards, Ron

If you can make a call on this that will make everyone happy, RUN FOR PRESIDENT you'll win hands down. I don't think it's possible. If posting or not posting a PICTURE makes a difference to someone and causes discontent,then somone needs to grow up a bit. It's not a perfect world :eek:MOST people are aware of that fact (I HOPE) This is your Forum. I'm just a hick from the sticks but this is the BEST Forum I've seen. Good Luck and you have my support in whichever decision you make.... Roger T .........P.S. I come to this sight for the knowledge,I go to other sights for hunting. I prefer separate sites. My 2bits fwiw
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With all the government run free subsistance programs out there it's hard to believe someone has to go out and poach to feed their family. Before you jump on me with both feet I'm not saying there's not someone like that but it's hard to believe. Usually they are wanting Both. Government assistance and a justification in their mind for doing what they are doing. Also gives them more beer and gas money.
I don't remember....a lot these day. Better said, I don't remember much at all. Doesn't matter since we can come up with a whole new policy at any moment.

It's my belief that photos of shot up and dead animals don't fit in with the "motif" of the overall site. We should discuss this before making the decision. The range of potential photos make it impossible for any compromise. It's either on or off.

As an aside thought, I've long believed that those Saturday morning hunting shows aren't helping the pro-gun effort in the long term. Kinda like somebody said something that's the "honest to gosh truth" but really didn't need to be said. I'm perfectly capable of walking into the woods with a "505 Improved Kubla Khan Nitro Express" and blowing a whitetail's brains out as he forages for acorns. Further, I have pictures to support that capability. But...I don't want it on TV for the mothers of future gun owners to see and perhaps develop an adverse training program.

OOPS! Got off on a rant there....sorry.

Say what you want to say about this (as if you would hold back :)) and we'll decide what to do.

What you say is about what I remember from a few years ago...
Pics affecting the pro gun effort

I don't think there will be any legal guns in 50 years. With the schools help and education, and the news media's slanted views, people will gladly give up those dangerous things and thus end crime and killings. There won't be enough rednecks and good old boys around to stop it. The whole damn world is so politically correct it makes me sick. People do not have any b@lls any more.

Glad i ain't 20.

Maybe they do,

With all the government run free subsistance programs out there it's hard to believe someone has to go out and poach to feed their family. Before you jump on me with both feet I'm not saying there's not someone like that but it's hard to believe. Usually they are wanting Both. Government assistance and a justification in their mind for doing what they are doing. Also gives them more beer and gas money.

maybe they don't have to poach to feed their family. I'd surely hope they don't use their "needs" as an excuse to do so, though.

I'm not criticizing anyone because I've seen the other side. When my wife and I first started money was TIGHT and it was kinda tough some times. I'll admit to killing a few animals a bit out of season, etc. or catching a few extra fish to put meat on the table.

Yes, I might have been able to go to the "government". But that would have been accepting welfare, something I was raised to avoid as long as one could take care of the problem some other way (provided the other way was not detrimental to the welfare of someone else).

I guess I and others like me were raised to have a bit more self-reliance and pride than many I see around me today. But, I wouldn't change what I did then. And, I'd do it again today before I accepted food stamps, etc. I pray I'll never have to, though.

... just my $0.02 worth

Balls in a Bag

Dave todays yuppie or oppie, old urban professinal, don't have possession of their balls anymore. They are kept in a designer bag by the wife only let out when she needs them.

Takes a man with a full set to go huntin. The pilgrims closest claim to some balls is on the golf course then all the holes are foreign to them providing no gratification not like dumping a limit of Doves or knocking over a Woodchuck with your favorite smoke pipe.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
back on topic...

... no hunting/varminting pictures, please.

If you want to see that sort of thing, there's plenty elsewhere.