Wilbur, is it me or is something broke


Mike S


Anytime I do a search with the word "Barrel" in it, the search seems to end real quick and comes back with a blank screen. Internet Explorer show "Done" in the lower status line.

I may be just doing something wrong or maybe I need to wait longer ... I had this problem quite awhile ago too .... but it went away when you did some kind of upgrade ... now it seems to be back .... or like I said, maybe it's something that I'm doing.

Could you try it and see if you have the problem?

Anybody else out there having this problem?

Thanks .... Mike
There is also a problem with "Forum Tools".
Will not mark the 'Forum as Read"
Fred K
I think I fixed the search problem

"Barrel" is a very common word and I guess the search function took a quick look and didn't want any part of it. I basically told it to not give up so quickly.

Where do I find the "Forum Tools" that is will not mark a forum as read?

There is one under the drop down "Quick Links" across the top. Worked fine for me just now.
"Barrel" is a very common word and I guess the search function took a quick look and didn't want any part of it. I basically told it to not give up so quickly.

Where do I find the "Forum Tools" that is will not mark a forum as read?
