Wichita Action

Roger T

WSP Left bolt pistol action. To be used as a base for a BR pistol prodject. What are the good /bad points of this action. It will need to be restocked and a new barrel put on. TIA
There has been some fine competitive guns built around Wichita actions. I've never owned one, but if I were looking and saw one at a good price, I wouldn't turn it away.

If you're a right hand shooter, the left bolt pistol works very well.

The pistol is from an estate and is available at a reasonal price (I think)just short of 500 , but as i said it needs to be restocked and rebarreled,so it's mainly the action i'm after. Is the trigger a Rem style or is it specific to Wichita ? If it's specific to Wichita are there aftermarket triggers still available ? The trigger on it now I was told is a Canjar ,it was a bit hvy.for it's new purpose (not sure if or how adjustable it might be). And yes the LEFT bolt is in another league compared to my RIGHT bolt XPs.
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Is the trigger a Rem style or is it specific to Wichita ?

A Rem trigger should fit fine, or at least it does on my original Wichita pistol. They later made a Mk 40 model, which I don't have any experience with.


if it has a canjar trigger, for hunting or varmints, it is a premium trigger. back in the 80's canjar was about as good as they came. of course the jewell is sweet i own 3 of them. personally i would not replace the canjar before trying it first unless you were using the action for a benchrest gun.
I have not purchased the pistol yet .It's on hold for me till I decide (soon I hope).I have not had the action out of the stock yet.the trigger felt about 2lbs.but very crisp.The past owner hunted with it for quite a few years (the stock is pretty scratched up( still some bark embeded on the left forearm) it's chamberd in 308 (I'm looking at maybe a 30BR).Iwill keep the original stock as is for it's history. Purchase a new BR style stock and Barrel for it
I worked for Wichita back in the 70's. The actions were made to accept any Remington 700 trigger. Wichita also made their own trigger based on the 700 style. I always wanted an action but couldn't afford one while I worked there and can't find one now that I can.