why won't your rifle shoot in cold or hot

Im fortunate, or unfortunate, depending on how you look at it to shoot with some of the best rimfire BR shooters in the world. I have never seen a factory barreled Anschutz win a match that I was attending unless it had a tuner installed on it. Seen a several factory barreled Suhl's with Br stocks and tuners and a few factory barreled 40X's.
What you read about and reality is a whole nuther ball game.
Global warming? Scientists? Science and theory, well a theory is just that.
Use what works for you. evidently you're on the right track as you see it. If you'd get your hands on one of Bill Calfees good rifles you'd probably say--dammmmmmmm!
.... If you'd get your hands on one of Bill Calfees good rifles you'd probably say--dammmmmmmm!


That's how I've envisioned it for a long time! For me it would be like driving a new Ferrari. Anyone in N. Illinois with a Calfee rifle that I could test drive for a few days?
I can shoot lights out with my SPEC rifle.

Jody, no disrespct intended, but, you do realize that light bulbs are an awfully big target for a bench rifle don't you? Not to mention the mess and broken glass on the range.:D:D:D:D


Know disrespect taken, that is exactly how I meant it to read. He didn't say what kind of lights, so I'm pretty sure I can hit a few with of the bigger style bulbs with "BAD NEWS".

On a more serious note, I don't post here much, that's obvious. The problem I have is with the folks who claim to shoot great or can make any rifle with any ammo shoot "lights out" and come on here and beat their chest telling true competitors that actually compete in sanctioned matches that their method is somewhat inferior.SK, Wolf, any Polar Biatholon, are you kidding me. That is plain BS. Put up or shut up.

I have lost way more matches than I have won, but I do have a few state and regional titles and a few records, but so do ninety eleven other shooters that frequent this site and very seldom do you read any posts from them about how great they are.
I just have to add, that it makes absolutely NO difference how a barrel REALLY vibrates. It does not matter at all!

ALL that matters is, that all of them have some sort of weight and adjustment on the muzzle. What does this mean?

It means that it does not matter how the barrel vibrates, as everyone is using the same general method of tuning a rifle until it shoots it's best.

When you start going to matches in all different conditions, in different parts of the country, your rifle is going to shoot differently, and lots of times it will shoot differently even staying at home. The better rifles might indeed still shoot good, and sometimes they won't.

Until you stop talking and start kicking butt everywhere you go, you won't get much respect.


Look at the respect, or lack of, you are giving to all the guys on this board who have been doing this for years. This board is full of rimfire champions, people who have indeed done something and also try to come on this board to help those who struggle. But you piss all that away by constantly touting that it's so simple.
Tooting one's own horn seldom win's the hearts of the opposition. That was, and always will be my problem with a certain person who used to post here often. I do however, and the evidence is clear that those who stand in that one's court toot their horns loudly amongst themselves. Pretty simple to see. Picking on Martin seems fun and easy to do. But remember, he is just like most of us at the time most of us were like him. You know no one knows the future nor the present perfectly. It's just deciding for yourself and that is what matters most. If you want to help others, that's great. If you disagree with someone who has different ideals entirely and you feel your helping someone else by destroying that opposition (in a social setting) you are "tooting your own horn". Let everyone learn on their own or decide for themselves. )chill(


p.s. B. Harvey forgot that all these champions are not experts on these issues. They are prone to large mistakes too. No one is a sore looser until they tell the world they are going to win before the match starts and then loose!
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Carp, I did not forget that either.

A friend and fellow shooter who will remain nameless, has won countless titles, state, national and world. He does not concern himself in the least about barrel vibrations or what makes a rifle shoot well. He just tunes until it will kill the X most of the time. Then he will test a little ammo and look only at X count and how level the hits are.

There have been times I asked how he did at a match, and he just says he did terrible, as in he screwed the pooch, or he did OK, or he did well.
He has those times just like all of us.

I have those times as well, either do bad, good or great.

The difference in him and I is that I shot a little over a case this year, and he shot 5+ cases. In this game, trigger time counts for a whole lot.

Kent, I would welcome anyone myself, and hope others would as well.
But I also disagree (which means I agree with you) that you can have a rifle shoot 100% of the time. The RBA Unl. Indoor Champ from this year got 30th or so at the ARA Indoor Nationals. Why? (typical RR barn)

If this were so, the points gap from 1st to last would be much smaller, the winner would still be random, or even more random.

At Gold City, we have seen more stock rifles, WITHOUT a tuner shoot more 250's than we would ever want to see. Even seen them do it two targets in a row, on multiple occasions!

Don't even get me started on what a good sporter (without a tuner) is capable of.
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