Floating Reamer Holders are not just used in chambering barrels. Anytime we ream a hole in our shop that we expect to be a set size,, we use some sort of floater. By a floater, I mean any fixture that will allow the reamer to progress into a hole with absolutly no binding.
The reason is simple. Reamers are designed to cut on all surfaces, and to cut to a specific size. Any mis-alignment, however small, can cause the reamer to bind, and cut larger than it should.
Since reamers are made of high speed steel, or carbide, they will not bend.
Actually, a floater is the best way to use a reamer, because it allows the reamer to do just exactly what it is designed to do, that is, establish a sized hole to an exact shape, with no outside influence. Any outside influence will only affect the reamer performance in a negative way. In other words, the best way to establish your "perfect chamber" is to let the reamer work independent of any outside influence.
You might think you have everything in your set-up perfect, but that is rarely the case. Reaming is different than single point boring or turning, and requires a different approach........jackie