Why Does Eley Ammo Cost So Much

Kent, That was a Hit The Nail On The Head Post. If people would stop and think. Black box Eley is the same price as Red box was 3 years ago and it SHOOTS BETTER. Club is as good right now as the Black Box was 3 years ago. I have had 2 different cases of Club that i use to tune guns ,test guns that i worked on, expariment. At 6.00 a box. We can shoot now for the same price we did 3 years ago.
Mr Owens: I am happy that a good number of you folks can afford this high priced Elley but a lot of us can't. That leaves those of us who can't afford it out of the compitition and leaves a good size of others in their own little group. What is your answer to the constant rise of this ammo for those of us who just can't afford it. Good ole Kathy has said it will come down in price which I view as BS-. I will not hold my breath for it to come down in price soon. That leaves only one thing find cheaper ammo or get out of the benchrest rimfire game and do something eles. Maybe mumbly peg -that should be affordable. garrisone.

Mumbly peg:eek: Have you seen what doctors offices charge today. Your first trip to the ER to get a finger stitched back on would easily pay for a case of Eley black box:D A good knife ain't cheap either!
Careful Benny

My B-S meter is pegged from that comment from Federal! They just don't want to be pestered about restarting the Ultramatch product.

No company, no matter how STOOOOOOPID they are, "forgets" how they made an entire product line. It's just retired "indefinately" with the formula / process put into the back of the vault.

If you mention the cost of ammo and the lack of American manufactories makeing :mad: rim fire ammo ( Like federal ) you run the risk of offendeing some folks that just don't mind paying over a thousand dollars for Ammo. I don't care to make someone in another country rich at haveing to pay so much for ammo.Thanks for your time. garrisone.
If Federal "forgot" how they made the Ultra, then perhaps they could rewind the telecast of the old Sat. morning gun show "American Shooter." The host was given a tour of the Federal .22lr factory, and although the Ultra process was somewhat guarded, the equipment was shown in action. Even the priming process was shown as I recall. But, I've got a hunch they don't need any reminders. I spoke to a lady at Champion Shooters Supply, and she said that in the past, Winchester made some wonderful stuff too. She also said that if W would produce it, they would buy all that they produced. Big red W declined the offer.

I'm with you on the issue.Some folks can afford to pay the $1,000.00 + per case for ammo and i am happy for them but i can't so i wish we had a domestic alternative also. And yes i know that everything has gone up,gas,heating fuel,food ect. but if i "have" to cut out something because of steadily increasing cost, guess what it will have to be? Wish it was different but.............
If you mention the cost of ammo and the lack of American manufactories makeing :mad: rim fire ammo ( Like federal ) you run the risk of offendeing some folks that just don't mind paying over a thousand dollars for Ammo. I don't care to make someone in another country rich at haveing to pay so much for ammo.Thanks for your time. garrisone.
Ammo costs what ammo costs. When Federal made it it was just as expensive as anything else, nobody LIKES to pay these prices, bottom line BR costs money. How many guys bitchin about everything here built at least one new gun in the last two years? Nothing about BR is cheap, never has been, never will be, not my fault, just a simple observation. Don't like it, go do what Joe Haller does by shooting lots of simple straight forward classes ofwhich many are quite affordable. Who's to say he's wrong? Do they have fun? You bet. You can bark at the moon all night but tomorrow it will be back.
different perspective

If you mention the cost of ammo and the lack of American manufactories makeing :mad: rim fire ammo ( Like federal ) you run the risk of offendeing some folks that just don't mind paying over a thousand dollars for Ammo. I don't care to make someone in another country rich at haveing to pay so much for ammo.Thanks for your time. garrisone.

What is being forgotten by many is the fundamental fact that it is still the shooter who determines the win or loss at the firing line. Yes, ammunition is a very important factor, but not the greatest. In this day of testing and tuning of countless numbers of lots, there is probably an equal number of matches won with top grade as there is with a "lower" :rolleyes: grade ammunition.

Maybe I'm outta touch, but the color of the packaging is not what matters....it's just different levels of "bling" and psychologicial mumbo jumbo.

As for making someone else "rich" in another country, I have to say that there is nothing that I would like better than having a match grade ammunition made here in the US. I would be happy to throw my name into the hat for a few cases right now if Federal or Winchester brought back the good stuff of not too many years ago. As for supporting the US economy, both cars in the garage are made in the US and I REFUSE to shop at Walmart. I practice what I believe in....

But alas, I digress from the topic at hand. This is not a forum for an economics lesson.

The lesson here is that if you have such little faith in yourself as a shooter just because you are not paying the most for ammunition, it really does not matter. You are already defeated.

As for me and countless others, we'll test and match our rifles to a less expensive ammunition and still win.