Why Does Eley Ammo Cost So Much

Just wait

until the new Lapua makes it out. I hear its a lot more expensive. Will it be worth it????
Fiddler, Can't say much about Laupa as i don't shoot it.

Hey Steve How you feeling? Shooting on a day like today I am feeling all "warm and fuzzy" With the Shul.

The reason ammo of any kind cost so much is because the dollar has no value anymore. The reason it has no or little value is because of the Federal Government and fiscal policies.

You must trust me on this.

Has it gone up again?!! The last I tested shot good for what it cost. It wouldn't shoot groups though. All of the bullets just went thru one little hole, bout the size of one of the smiley faces on the right of the screen? What's that all about?
A Lapua seller told me that the price across the board DOUBLED. :mad::(

oops, sorry if I hijacked an Eley thread......
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Darn shame that the American ammo cos. stopped making premium ammo.
It's not that they can't.
Federal told me THEY FORGOT how to make Ultra Match and Gold Medal Match.

The R&D costs would be too high to start up again.

They wanted me to believe all the tooling, gauges and development data went to the landfill!
Kent, If you want to shoot groups you should set the control to the DITHER setting. It spreads them out with a pleasing soft edge.
I'll have to remember that Steve! I don't know if that ole 40X has that setting or not, but if it don't I can loosen the guard screws and take off the tuner. That should spread 'em out into a pattern.
Seriously, they are making some very good ammo. Last week we shot about 5 different lots through 5 different BR rifles and it all shot very well.

That was in 70 degree weather with sunshine so it should do well when it warms up too.
I think around 2000 Eley began R&D on EPS and in 2003??
built a new factory for 22 production and 2004-2006 replaced all 22 machines and refurbished a cople others.
Sounds like a lot of money spent by Eley and now they are getting it back with a handsome profit. Now with a new package who knows where it will end up.
Lapua has gone to school on this model and IF they can make a better ammo God help us.
Air guns make look better and better.
Till the gunsmiths on airguns and the Lothar Walther and pellet makers see the green light at the end of the tunnel.
yeah right!!!

Federal told me THEY FORGOT how to make Ultra Match and Gold Medal Match.

The R&D costs would be too high to start up again.

They wanted me to believe all the tooling, gauges and development data went to the landfill!

My B-S meter is pegged from that comment from Federal! They just don't want to be pestered about restarting the Ultramatch product.

No company, no matter how STOOOOOOPID they are, "forgets" how they made an entire product line. It's just retired "indefinately" with the formula / process put into the back of the vault.
What is interesting is the price of gas in the last few years has gone out of sight. Now that gas isn't a bit better than it was 20 years ago. Eley Ammo has gone up in price quite a bit. But the Quality of Eley Just keeps getting better all the time.
Mr Owens: I am happy that a good number of you folks can afford this high priced Elley but a lot of us can't. That leaves those of us who can't afford it out of the compitition and leaves a good size of others in their own little group. What is your answer to the constant rise of this ammo for those of us who just can't afford it. Good ole Kathy has said it will come down in price which I view as BS-. I will not hold my breath for it to come down in price soon. That leaves only one thing find cheaper ammo or get out of the benchrest rimfire game and do something eles. Maybe mumbly peg -that should be affordable. garrisone.
Let me tell you friend, I can't afford high priced ammo any more than the next fellow. Iwish it was a buck a box myself, but it isn't.
When I started shooting rimfire BR several years back if you found a batch of ammo that would shoot 247-248 with no bad flyers and shoot 12 or more X's you were very HAPPY and you could win with it. The first 3-gun match I ever won was a 247-13X sporter, 248-13X 10.5 class, and a 248-15X 13.5 class target score, and I thought I had some killer ammo. This was back when Tenex cost about 900 a case. Back then a 250 score was a rare bird, unless the fellow had a stash of old gold box Lapua.
By comparison back in September of last year at our monthly IR5050 match at Blue Ridge, there were 3-250's in the sporter class alone shooting Eley ammo. I think there were 11or 12 250's overall. That was unheard of in 2002! I think I saw one 250 shot in my second year of matches! Danny Hepler shot it with DJ's new Calfee Turbo at Summerville, SC. That was the first 250 that Dan and the rifle shot!

I guess my point to this long drug out post is, we used to pay about as much for ammo that shot a lot worse. Yeah, it does cost more, but to it's credit it is worth more too. The Eley EPS Club ammo I tested last week shot better than the Tenex I shot in 2002, much better.
As for what I'm doing to afford it, I just installed a heat pump to run as a primary to heat my home instead of fuel oil, and use fuel oil as a backup. I should save enough to buy a brick of EPS a month;) I've cut way back on smokin' Cuban cigars too.
What really ticked me off was the price of fuel oil when I got the last batch at 3.17 a gallon plus tax.
Where do you shoot rimfire BR. I've never ran across you at a match in this area have I?
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