Why are accessories so expensive?


New member

A magazine for a Tikka T3 costs $158 here in Australia, even a .22 magazine is nearly $100, and it is only often made from plastic nowadays. Now I realise the work that went into the original rifle to manufacture the barrel, action and stock costs a bit, but I suspect that the manufacturers are getting into our pockets a bit with the 'add on bits'. I may be wrong, there may be hidden costs. Any ideas?

* Danny *
I am guessing but I would say some of it could be your government placing tariffs, or import tax's on the items when they come in being they are gun related. It could also be added cost to fill lengthy paper work, and recoup money spent on permits to get the products into the country. It could have a bit of supply and demand involved in it too, if you want it you will pay this or do without. Competition can drive down cost, but it may be more headache that they are willing to go through to get the items to you, keeping the market scares for the few that will jump through the hoops. Basically if your tired of it, you can do 1 of 3 things, 1st change it, start up a business that manufactures the parts, or a big catalog dealer and negotiate prices your willing to pay. This cost a ton of money and is no easy task. 2 you can do nothing at all, and just except it. 3rd, you can make a change in your living arrangements, and more to a part of the world where these items are lower cost.
3D printers are like electric cars or flying to work in your private "aircar" like the goofballs from Popular Science useta' write about...they're theoretically and even specifically possible but of no real use. Sure you "could" print some of the parts for a cheapo plastic mag but not all of it and certainly not effectively.

Just another scam to keep the feebs occupied, keep us from approaching the REAL issues at stake, like "How We Gonna' PAY This Deficit Bill?"

"Hope and Change" ya' know......



More and more every day I find that Ron White's right, "you cain't fix stupid!"

You just gotta' wait for it to die