Who makes a good Arbor Press ???



Gentlemen: I'm looking for a good Arbor Press. It doesn't have to be plated in gold. Something that will get the job done and not break the bank. Any and all suggestions are appreciated. Thanks, Art
You should look

Gentlemen: I'm looking for a good Arbor Press. It doesn't have to be plated in gold. Something that will get the job done and not break the bank. Any and all suggestions are appreciated. Thanks, Art

at Sinclair International. I have used mine for well over 10 yuears now and it is working fine. And I have not been kind to it. Probably s/b getting a B-square double beam for the heavy stuff I put my little Sinclair thru.


I think if I were to buy a arbor press Id either get one of the sinclares or similar for less than 100 or Id try the Giraud Arbor Press, I dont like the fact the base looks like alum, but maybe i could sweet talk him into making a SS base.
Ive heard the HArt is very nice but more $$$
K&M Arbor is OK

I like the K&M that I purchased from Lock Stock & Barrel. It is aluminum and thats fine with me and the sensitive "feel" when seating is very good.