Who free recoils and who bag squeezes?

Free Recoil


Free recoil for me. I find it too hard to keep a consistent shoulder pressure. When I first got my new light gun (30BR), it didn't shoot well without some shoulder in it. I discussed this with Jim Borden (Borden Rifles), he told me what to do with the tuner. I now shoot it free recoil, just like I do with the HV.

Free recoil

I found that holding the rifle was another factor to accuracy, so I eliminated that factor buy geting a ShadeTree joystick and not touching the rifle at all(only to to touch the trigger)
I found when I tried bag squeezing that I started to look at my crosshair more to make sure it was on target where I wanted it more than I was looking at my windflags. So I bagged that idea (no pun intended) and went back to free recoil. Let the rest hold the gun and you just watch them funny orange and green things downrange!
I bag squeeze and shot free recoil at the same time.....are you sure your using the proper terminology.


Bag squeezing and free recoil as I know it are not mutually exclusive. Free recoil is firing the rifle with no contact other than the trigger finger and bag squeezing is a method of aiming the rifle. Both can be implemented concurrently.
Tak ...

"Free Recoil is the most common shooting style and is used by 70 - 80% of Benchrest shooters." ... Mike Ratigan, Extreme Rifle Accuracy, page 85.

If you don't have a copy of Mike's book, I heartily recommend you get one. ;)
Free recoil - principally because the matches I compete in don't allow for a rear bag. But there aren't any rules against the "thumb/index finger web" support so I sometimes introduce that to steady the cross hairs.

Free recoil, is simply not holding the gun. Contact is trigger finger only.
Wether you squeeze the bag or shoot off a windage top or farley
Free Recoil

If I happen to get the opportunity to shoot in a zero condition, I will often hold the Rifle. But when actually reading conditions, (I am primarilly a hunter and picker), I shoot free recoil. I also turn knobs.

I know several top shooters who are bag squeezers, but do shoot free recoil............jackie
I figure ya gotta hold onto the gun to open the bolt ,close the bolt,push the rifle forward and aim. Why let go of it to pull the trigger so the recoil can let it jump all over the place? Bag squeezing is effective but you need to follow through and not let down pressure on the rear bag at the shot. Nob turning front and a hard rear bag works but I have always found it slow to adjust. Farleys are a different animal all together,kind of like ridin a horse bare back, ya gotta hold on to the mane and keep your butt in line with the direction of travel.
If your rifle is really tuned, any technique will work, If your rifle isn't tuned,none of them will.
One advantage to having a rifle balanced, and bags that allow free recoil, is that one can shoot head up (assuming a rest and rear bag that will hold poa without tending), which can be an advantage when picking during fast switching conditions.
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Bag Squeeze

I have a 500 yard range at my house and do a lot of load development and practice. I have tried both ways’ meny times but can't seam to do as well with free recoil for some reason. I shoot any thing from a Bat 6 Dasher to a Remington 700 in a 300 win mag. I have a Sinclair wind age top front rest and good rear bags. I may not be doing something right. But I can get very good group’s holding my guns and squeezing the bag.
Terry Pohl
I shoot free recoil and bag squeeze at the same time. Holding the sandbag or not has nothing to do with shooting free recoil.
With my Sako 6ppc sporter I hang on tight! I tried free recoil once, and thought I woke up that day & forgot how to shoot.