Who builds custom benchrest rimfire rifles?



Our club, Middle TN Sporting Assoc has completed a new range this year after losing our old lease in 2016. We have a nice rifle range with 42 covered benches. Our rimfire benchrest match is growing. There is a lot of new interest. We had 24 shooters this past Saturday and shot a 75 round club match.

A couple shooters attended with nice custom rifles, Stiller 2500x actions etc. Some of us would like to know what components are good and especially what gunsmiths are experienced in building winning rifles.

I'm new to rimfire. I've been shooting IBS and UBR centerfire benchrest for several years but have no experience with custom rimfire rifles. Most of our members shoot Win 52's or similar and lots of Unertl scopes. Some would like to step up to a custom rifle.

Competition has raised the bar, and some of us are hooked.
Several guys build top flight rifles. The difference between a solid “B” gun and an “A+ “ usually boils down to whether you score a top flight 5% barrel which is the single most crucial component and not real common.
That said great guns can be built by Eck, Penrod, Langley, Gorham (via KSS), Stiller, to name a few.
As a newby, you can also score very good used equipment at matches, here on the classified section to name just a couple.
The biggest skill you need to learn is how to maximize the full potential of a rifle and ammo combo, way too many guys never get there.
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Our club, Middle TN Sporting Assoc has completed a new range this year after losing our old lease in 2016. We have a nice rifle range with 42 covered benches. Our rimfire benchrest match is growing. There is a lot of new interest. We had 24 shooters this past Saturday and shot a 75 round club match.

A couple shooters attended with nice custom rifles, Stiller 2500x actions etc. Some of us would like to know what components are good and especially what gunsmiths are experienced in building winning rifles.

I'm new to rimfire. I've been shooting IBS and UBR centerfire benchrest for several years but have no experience with custom rimfire rifles. Most of our members shoot Win 52's or similar and lots of Unertl scopes. Some would like to step up to a custom rifle.

Competition has raised the bar, and some of us are hooked.

You may want to check this one out.
It's about 100 miles from you. I'm sure Tad would let you test drive it.

If that one is not to your liking, lots of serious shooters build a new one or three every year and about always have one or two for sale. William Casey aka Slick Willy seems to always have a couple and is willing to let you test drive them at his range in Cedartown Ga.

I shoot Winchester 52D's and Remington 40X's most of the time, so I know where your coming from. I do have a custom Falcon (purchased used) that I use only at IR and ARA matches. If I were to build a new one, I would go with a Lonestar, it is basically a refined 40X and is on a 40X footprint. Finding parts, stocks, triggers are easy and easy to maintain. JMO

Good luck
Just go on the PROFESSIONAL SHOOTING LEAGUE WEBSITE. Click on past matches, then click on the equipment lists. You can see detailed listing of all the components used by all competitors.
Hawkeye Wizard
Thanks for the replies.

This is the info we need to get started. I saw Tads listing. I'm interested.

What I'm hoping to gain with a custom action in rimfire is less effort working the bolt and have a left loading port. I have limited use of my right arm and it is getting hard to work the bolt and load the rounds with my rimfire rifles. I don't have much trouble with my Pandas used for centerfire, I can easily open and close the bolt, and load with a left port.

I can't operate the 52d and H&R mod 12 efficiently. It is taking way too much time to get the next shot off. I'm not able to take advantage of a wind condition, or follow up a sighter, frustrating.

Are the rimfire custom actions easier to open and close the bolt compared to the 52d and H&R?
There are a few

To answer your question;
Jerry Stiller
Mark Penrod
John Langley
Gene Davis
If you buy through Killough you will get a Gorham smithed rifle.
To name a few.
It is all about the barrel. The stories regarding the search for a good barrel... argh.
And as someone said go on the PSL website and find the equipment list. Much can be gleaned from said list.
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This is the info we need to get started. I saw Tads listing. I'm interested.

What I'm hoping to gain with a custom action in rimfire is less effort working the bolt and have a left loading port. I have limited use of my right arm and it is getting hard to work the bolt and load the rounds with my rimfire rifles. I don't have much trouble with my Pandas used for centerfire, I can easily open and close the bolt, and load with a left port.

I can't operate the 52d and H&R mod 12 efficiently. It is taking way too much time to get the next shot off. I'm not able to take advantage of a wind condition, or follow up a sighter, frustrating.

Are the rimfire custom actions easier to open and close the bolt compared to the 52d and H&R?

Given your issue IMHO You want nothing but a Stiller 2500X based rifle, far and away the smoothest of any option.
New Diorio Turbo

I’d you would have interest in a Turbo action rifle just give me a call and we can talk about a full build or just an action. 304-266-0081.

Jason Frymier
CM Sporting Goods
I'm new to rimfire and am left handed. I was looking at the Anschutz 1913 L Benchrest and the 1907 L Benchrest rifles. How do these compare, as far as being competitive, to rifles built by one of the custom gun smiths in the above posts. I've looked at some equipment lists and no Anschutz rifles are listed. Aren't they competitive? Any help in getting into rimfire benchrest would be appreciated.
Hi Mark, If you have looked at the equipment list that Kyleallen has provided, you will have noticed a few Aney’s listed but none of them have the original barrels attached. I shoot an Aney, a 1411 54, that competes well against custom rifles, but I’m sure it would shoot better with a custom barrel. As far as I’m concerned, my next rifle is going to be a custom build.

I will add that the equipment lists posted above may not be indicative of the equipment being used at a local club, shooting ARA or other BR Competition.

In the ARA Competitions at my Club, there are four Full Custom Guns, the remainder are slightly modified Anschutz, Cooper, Kimber, CZ, 10-22, et al.

The top four finishers are a 2500X, Turbo, Trident and Joe Chacon 10-22.

Everyone has a good time.

Here is a link to help locate an ARA Match near you:

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I will add that the equipment lists posted above may not be indicative of the equipment being used at a local club, shooting ARA or other BR Competition.

In the ARA Competitions at my Club, there are four Full Custom Guns, the remainder are slightly modified Anschutz, Cooper, Kimber, CZ, 10-22, et al.

The top four finishers are a 2500X, Turbo, Trident and Joe Chacon 10-22.

Everyone has a good time.

Here is a link to help locate an ARA Match near you:


Our club three years ago in terms of unlimited had a Turbo, and two 2500’s.
2019 we are up to thirteen 2500’s/Tridents, a couple/3-4 turbo’s, one Annie, and a couple 2500’s on order.
Thanks for the comments guys. I'll look into getting a custom gun from one of the above names. Looks like Turbo and Trident actions are the ones most often used in the top 20 equipment lists. So I'll look into those first with a Mueller or Shilen barrel and a B&A trigger. Haven't searched for either action but is it possible to get either of those actions in a LB,RP,LE? It's a rookie question.
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Stiller's actions are in high demand. Expect to wait a while. Shilen Ratchets are popular and often in stock. Dan can sell you the pieces, recommend gunsmiths, etc.
Consider a used rig.
Thanks for the comments guys. I'll look into getting a custom gun from one of the above names. Looks like Turbo and Trident actions are the ones most often used in the top 20 equipment lists. So I'll look into those first with a Muller or Shilen barrel and a B&A trigger. Haven't searched for either action but is it possible to get either of those actions in a LB,RP,LE? It's a rookie question.
Haven't searched for either action but is it possible to get either of those actions in a LB,RP,LE? [/QUOTE]

The only left bolt option is the Turbo. They are lbrp. There is no left eject like centerfire actions.
Just not enough demand for the others to mfg them.
Jason can hook you up.

Turbo Options

Our receiver models are all available in any bolt and port configuration you prefer, none of the combinations are considered a "special order". You can send an email to anthony@dioriomfg.com or PM if you have additional questions regarding pricing and lead times for our products.

Best Regards, Anthony DiOrio
I think it is more important to know if you are left- or right-eyed. Most people have one that is dominant. If you favor looking through the scope with your right, I find it more comfortable to set up on a right-handed bench and lean to the right. Then, whether you are right- or left-handed, use a RBLP. Conversely, if you favor your left eye, set up on a left-handed bench and lean to your left. You could get a LBRP, but you have fewer options. I think RBLP or RBRP should be OK. But you'll see the feed ramp better if the port is on the right. If possible, attend some matches and take a close look.


Available configurations. Same as posted by Albert above:


If you are left handed, you would likely want a left-bolt, right-port. The ejection side is of little consequence in my opinion. I suppose it could be done, but it could decrease the strength of the action itself.