Whittecar in Hamilton, MT Results for August 12 & 13 -2017


New member

• The Montana’s crew did not show up…Our buddies are all hunters scouting for the coming up hunting season but the real issue is that we have 17 big fires surrounding Flathead Lake and all the state is full of dense smoke coming from inside MT, ID and Canada…
• Jeff fabricated some new 1/8” steel backstops with a lead trapping tray, the backstops go on top of customized HD hand tractors for storage and portability between 25 and 50 M. (See pics)…Thank you Jeff, those backstops are built like a tank and will last several lifetimes surely keeping any lead out of our pristine Flathead Lake.
• We shot both days under the most extreme conditions we have ever had, Sunday was worse…Dense smoke around the lake creates its own weather system: Much humidity, extreme swirling winds that change direction every second, lightning bolts without clouds, and other conditions that are only present with smoke.
• Our BR flags spun 360 degrees all day long with their ribbons at no less than 70 -90 degrees for most of the time…The 3 x 5 ft. flags on the flag pole (see pic) proved that our anemometer was right indicating 12 -15 MPH.
• We rely on our honorable behavior, but since we talked about BR regulations NOT being flexible as they should be, we agreed to check our velocities and weight of guns before the competition…All guns were below maximums.
• The Steyr accidentally went off while closing the bolt and hit a random target (7 ring) on the last card… the LV final results were close (Jeff- 733 vs. AZ -732)
Note: On Saturday AZ shot the same scores in HV and LV (732-13X and 732-14X)

• Being Jeff an avid fly fisherman, AZ showed him a photo of a Lake trout caught by his guest just in front of where we shoot (see pic)… Jeff’s mind then left the shooting range and went “Fishing”, and after having shot two OUTSTANDING 250’s with 15 and 17 X’s under the most challenging windy conditions, the Lake Gods put a "Humbling Spell" on him and made him miss 5 points in between targets 1-2 & 3 (3rd card) and then he didn't shoot the entire third row and lost another 50 points….With a 195 (Auch!) on the last card, he had no other choice but to accept a good dinner as a consolation prize.
• After HV was over the second day, Jeff kindly let me shoot his RAW BM-500… Without too much efforts and guessing I shot a 248-11X under the same 10-15 MPH windy conditions, let me add that we used a magnified gauge and an additional magnifier for those 2 points I lost…The idea was to compare the Steyr LG-110 with a RAW BM-500 in HV and let me say that his BM-500 is by far superior and is the more predictable air gun with the largest sweet spot that I have ever shot…After testing 4 of the top BR winningest guns and struggling much with my Steyr for those 2-3 extra points needed to be competitive or win an HV competition, one of these RAW rifles will very soon be my new HV gun.


]eff Crisler: Sat. 221-0X 241-5X 234-0X 696-5X
Sun. 233-7X 228-2X 227-2X 688-11X
AZ: Sat. 227-2X 237-3X 218-3X 682-8X
Sun. One spring of the FWB 300S broke during 3rd target on Saturday – Did Not Shoot Springer On Sunday

Light Varmint:

Jeff Crisler: Sat. 244-7X 242-5X 247-9X 733-21X
Sun. 238-4X 240-5X 233-2X 711-11X
AZ: Sat. 243-2X 248-5X 241-6X 732-13X
Sun. 242-4X 241-5X 241-5X 724-14X

Heavy Varmint:

Jeff Crisler: Sat. 250-15X 250-17X 195-10X 695-42X
Sun. 244-06X 247-12X 247-10X 738-28X

AZ: Sat. 244-5X 247-5X 241-4X 732-14X
Sun. 240-6X 245-7X 240-7X 725-20X

Guns Used:

Jeff Crisler: FWB 300S, RAW-BM-500 & RAW-BM-500
AZ: FWB 300S & Steyr LG-110 FT

Best regards,



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Flathead MT.

Thank you AZ, your range is by far, one of the most challenging places to shoot on the planet. Nowhere to hide from the elements whatsoever as the prevailing wind has 28 miles of lake to travel across before it reaches your pellet. You are a very good host and your wife makes the most fantastic food I have ever ate! But I do apologize for stealing knowledge from you every chance I get Lol. Even though I consider it my local range, it is almost 200 miles to your place, but I don't mind the drive one bit as you are a very good shooter and have humbled me many times.

I am looking forward to the next match and maybe I will bring my fishing pole too!

Jeff Crisler