Which new press to buy?

What MIke said about the PACT scale, or pretty much any inexpensive electronic scale for that matter. Even top quality laboratory electronic scales tend to wander a bit, and they generally cost over $1k each which is not for chrome and paint.

As for powder measures, remember that you're trying to measure an irregular solid (except for very fine grained ball type powders) by volume when it's the weight that's the thing of importance with smokeless powder. Some folks who are very coordinated can operate measures with great reproducibility, I tend to not be that coordinated especially if I'm throwing a lot of charges. I've read that with enough practice ANYONE can throw charges ± 0.1 gr with ANY powder. To which I can only say, "HA, HA, HA!"

my first electronic scale was an RCBS. Worked just fine, and didn't fluctuate at all. It was stolen, and I replaced it with a PACT (the same one used in the Chaergemaster that has the laser port). Same results, and I do check mine every so often. Later I added a BBK to my field box, and get similar results. I did have a programing issue with the first PACT after I had it a couple years, and they coached me thru the process on the phone. Never looked back!
You all are a wealth of information. Thank each and everyone of you.
You got that right. there are some really good fellas here, I have learned a ton from these guys!! Good post i enjoyed reading it. Lee