Which laser color for setting flags


Club Coordinator
I thought I had heard green over red?????

And how strong to reach out to 100????

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Green C green. Or just mount a cheap scope to a board and set it on the bench. If you do that it really takes two people to set the flags. Never used a laser. Hopefully some one will else will chime in about the laser. Benchrite had a set up but I don,t see it on there web site now.

Johnny Boy
The eye sees green the easiest. In bright day light the better the divergence of the beam, the less power is needed. A 5 mw green laser that has extremely low divergence (expensive) can been seen on a white background at 200 yards. A 100 mw with poor divergence (cheap) may be hard to see at 200. I believe the NBRSA banned all lasers at the Nationals but left it up to the host clubs for everything else. People got carried away with high power units.
Really easy to line up. Laser with scope.
And really cool when it rains or snows....
Pls. wear safety glasses...........Just in case you are one of the few that is bothered.
On bright sunny days. I look for the beam. Sometimes gets in my eyes. Not a problem for me.
Most of the time, I can find the beam on my beer belly.....Set the height on the way back.....1 person. 10 min. and done. 100Y. Perfect line...:D
Thanks guys

For the info.

I am not to worried about whether or not it is legal at NBRSA matches. When I shoot one of them I am usually over someone elses flags.

It is more for me setting flags for myself at the farm when practicing. I usually spray the ground with orange paint but I do not always get back often enough and struggle to get my heights. I should just mark my stands and that would save time.


I am not bothered. I know well enough to not look.....??
A friend stumbled across a laser on ebay for $12 for setting flags. As soon as I saw it I bought two and everyone that saw it wanted one so I ordered four more a week ago and they are also all sold to friends. It has a green beam that is simply awesome and a removable lens that acts like a kaleidoscope in a darkened room. Try it on a reflective road sign day or night and be ready for a surprise. It is sold on ebay under 'laser pointer 303' and for $12 comes with two rechargeable batteries and a wall charger.
Just be careful

that if you use a green 5mW laser that no one accidentally gets the beam in the eye. It will cause permanent damage. I would opt for the scope suggestion. I've seen several folks do that and it works out just fine. --greg
that if you use a green 5mW laser that no one accidentally gets the beam in the eye. It will cause permanent damage. I would opt for the scope suggestion. I've seen several folks do that and it works out just fine. --greg

Good success with 100w green laser. You need to be careful setting the laser up but it far less dangerous than the benchrest gun you are shooting. Mine works fine at 400 yds, not tried it at longer distance. http://www.biglasers.com
I hope you mean 100 mW.

A 100 W laser would be through the roof in price and liable to burn anything it hit.

NO Not so much.
Barely burns plastic. Now 8000 Watts for 20 m sec. Nice 25mm circle. Burned half way through 3/8" plexiglass. That's called a "Mode Burn".
To check the optics of the laser. CO2 laser......14 yrs. doing maintenance and repair. Still have my eye balls. Yag lasers require special precautions. Most are solid state.
CO2 laser require gases mixed into the chamber and an electron split off. If I remember correctly 80% Helium, 15% Nitrogen, and 5% CO2. All one step below Hospital grade gases....
For the info.

I am not to worried about whether or not it is legal at NBRSA matches. When I shoot one of them I am usually over someone elses flags.

It is more for me setting flags for myself at the farm when practicing. I usually spray the ground with orange paint but I do not always get back often enough and struggle to get my heights. I should just mark my stands and that would save time.


I am not bothered. I know well enough to not look.....??
Calvin. The reason I use a laser for wind flags is similar.
After Setting up the target frames and the associated BS. And walking back to the firing line. Most people are gone. So I end up setting my flags by myself. And prefer this method...
I know exactly

Calvin. The reason I use a laser for wind flags is similar.
After Setting up the target frames and the associated BS. And walking back to the firing line. Most people are gone. So I end up setting my flags by myself. And prefer this method...

What you mean......

I also hate to bother people so I to end up setting flags myself. They are the way I like them, which is the way I have shot on many HOF relays. No different.


I have shot over some where the envelope is really pushed when it comes to flag heights with the bottom of the target paper. I do not want to be caught. Not like I have ever seen or heard of it as long as I have been shooting.
Sounds like

NO Not so much.
Barely burns plastic. Now 8000 Watts for 20 m sec. Nice 25mm circle. Burned half way through 3/8" plexiglass. That's called a "Mode Burn".
To check the optics of the laser. CO2 laser......14 yrs. doing maintenance and repair. Still have my eye balls. Yag lasers require special precautions. Most are solid state.
CO2 laser require gases mixed into the chamber and an electron split off. If I remember correctly 80% Helium, 15% Nitrogen, and 5% CO2. All one step below Hospital grade gases....

...... you are another optical engineer on the forum. Made a number of vicious lasers when I was in the lab. Glad you dispelled the myth about lasers in the one flash and your retinas are ash.
I had tried this setup and returned it. Fresh batteries were used up by the time I walked back to the line from 100 yds.

use Duracell. In my 55 yrs. They have only leaked once.

THAT IS PURE BS. YES YOU ARE CALLED ON IT. These batteries last for 6 mos. HEY! it works up in the GREAT WHITE NORTH.
It's real PURTY in a snow storm.......
...... you are another optical engineer on the forum. Made a number of vicious lasers when I was in the lab. Glad you dispelled the myth about lasers in the one flash and your retinas are ash.

Nah! I just had to repair Trump and Rofin lasers. CO2. At this company, they Laser welded sheet metal.
Patriot Missile Sys. Ray domes. They made the backer plate. 2000 were made.
US Marine SUV. Boat looking under carriage. 1000's.
They innovated Laser welded blanks.
Your Prius used laser welded blanks. It reduced the weight by 30%. And made Liberals 80% more likely to die in a major accident.
A major MIS-CONCEPTION that tech. could sweeck out a few more MPG's. IS WRONG. It was lighter vehicles.
I guess. I was wrong.
Andy indicates that using a 5mW laser will make your retinas ash.
As I indicated before. It's all up to the user. Maybe it does not bother you....

Everyone on a Firing Range is required to always wear safety glasses. And hearing protection. There are no set hours of an exception.
AT the next match I saw half the guys take off their glasses.......AND They were aware of the other guys injuries.....

So does Andy wear his eye protection? Prolly not.
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Here is an alternative to lasers. Not quite as accurate but usually good enough. We used to use these in the pre-laser days. The LED flash light does a better job than the old bulb type. No need to use high lumen types with these either.

Here is an alternative to lasers. Not quite as accurate but usually good enough. We used to use these in the pre-laser days. The LED flash light does a better job than the old bulb type. No need to use high lumen types with these either.

Oh, MY God. That's real bright UGH I am going blind, I =can;t see my target............ER, Whatever.....
use Duracell. In my 55 yrs. They have only leaked once.

THAT IS PURE BS. YES YOU ARE CALLED ON IT. These batteries last for 6 mos. HEY! it works up in the GREAT WHITE NORTH.
It's real PURTY in a snow storm.......

BS, WOW. Zippy, I was there you were not. I set it up and the original batteries didn't last very long so I put in new unused batteries. Turned it on and walked towards the 100 yd line setting up my flags which didn't take too long. When I got back to the bench there was no light left. C'mon, these things are made in China you don't think the one I had could be a lemon. I've got at least three electronic calipers that also eat batteries. I've got a Fowler that I have to take the battery out when I'm done using it. Don't shoot from the lip, zippy.