Which barrel and what size?


New member
Thinking of having a barrel put on my 40x. This will be an unlimited gun so weight don't matter. Which barrel would you use and what size would you use, and why?
The Rock Creek 6 groove barrel has been having lots of success lately. But how it is chambered and installed is as important as choosing a barrel mfg. I would first choose a gunsmith (mine is Gordon Eck) and then let them tell you what they have been having success with lately. I would also go with their recommendation regarding barrel size contour etc. I'm having Gordon re-barrel my heavy gun this off-season and I'm leaving all those details up to him.
The Rock Creek 6 groove barrel has been having lots of success lately. But how it is chambered and installed is as important as choosing a barrel mfg. I would first choose a gunsmith (mine is Gordon Eck) and then let them tell you what they have been having success with lately. I would also go with their recommendation regarding barrel size contour etc. I'm having Gordon re-barrel my heavy gun this off-season and I'm leaving all those details up to him.
Sounds like you are getting good advise there, Bart. Barry
I wouldn't know about that. Hopefully he is getting enough fiber. But I'm sure he can re-barrel your rifle over the off-season. Of course your off-season in Alabama is a lot shorter than ours is up here.