Sod Farmer
I have had some success with benchrest competition at our local club. That being said, local is A LOT easier than competing in sanctioned matches. If I want to move up to attempt competing at a higher level, I would like to know how I go about upgrading my rifle. From what I have learned from many of you, is that I should buy as good a rifle as I can afford (buy once, cry once). I am prepared to spend up to $4,000 on the rifle. I think this should give me quite a few options, but I don't know where to start. I see quite a few custom rifles such as the one that just recently sold in the classified section by BillB57M. It was a 2500X (The UnCalfee). I suspect that maybe I should have bought this rifle, but that is water under the bridge, as it is already sold. I will continue to watch for used rifles such as this, but if I wanted to build new, who would I contact? Help me spend my money wisely.