Where to find/ Who to build benchrest rifle?


Sod Farmer

I have had some success with benchrest competition at our local club. That being said, local is A LOT easier than competing in sanctioned matches. If I want to move up to attempt competing at a higher level, I would like to know how I go about upgrading my rifle. From what I have learned from many of you, is that I should buy as good a rifle as I can afford (buy once, cry once). I am prepared to spend up to $4,000 on the rifle. I think this should give me quite a few options, but I don't know where to start. I see quite a few custom rifles such as the one that just recently sold in the classified section by BillB57M. It was a 2500X (The UnCalfee). I suspect that maybe I should have bought this rifle, but that is water under the bridge, as it is already sold. I will continue to watch for used rifles such as this, but if I wanted to build new, who would I contact? Help me spend my money wisely.
My suggestion would be go to a few match's.Lots of rifles usually at them for possible sale's and you can test them out as well to see if they are to your liking.If you wanna build one I would suggest,Goreham,Davis for gunsmiths,good scope,good barrel,and good stock.That could set you back several thousand.Plus you will need a good rest and great ammo to get started.Usually and especially now a lot of nice guns going up for sale as lots are getting out after yrs of competiton.Look around at the matchs and ask questions regarding whats available and you could save a grand or 2,JMHO
New build

You have a great Smith in your own backyard! Ryan, Iowa, is home of Brian Voelker. You may want to contact him, really a nice fella to work with. Thumper
You have a great Smith in your own backyard! Ryan, Iowa, is home of Brian Voelker. You may want to contact him, really a nice fella to work with. Thumper

+1 on Brian Voelker. I shoot with Brian several times a month during the summer season and also have an IR Sporter he built. Great guy, good smith, and fun to compete with. Brian is MD (match director) for ARA and IR50/50 matches at North Linn Fish and Game, just on the edge of Central City, IA. Check their web site for match dates. We get guys there once in awhile that don't have a custom built rifle, but still shoot a match. They have fun and the group that shoots there embraces new guys with vigor and positive suggestions should one want to move up in equipment.

Please keep in mind that a lot of smiths also shoot matches and lead time during the summer can be a little longer. Hope to see you at a match there.