Where is My Target?



~ Where’s my Target ~
Lets see now the Command was given to bring your Equipment to the Line.
You spent the allotted time getting your Rests and misc. paraphernalia just how you like them.
Since the range is now hot you settle in your rifle and do once last check on your competitor number etc and
someone screams “I do not have a target” or I have the wrong Target”

Guess What in 70% of all the matches I have been too in the last 5 years with over 15 shooters this has happened – how about you??

This years Crawfish is the VERY FIRST State (or Regional, National) that this did not happen. UGH!
(This was a Rimfire Match but my guess is that it happens in Centerfire?)

Why you ask – Simple I preprinted target labels two days before the match and the girls in the kitchen took maybe 15 minutes to stick them on over 200 targets.

Think about it – for less the 2 cents a target I helped set a new record.
The downside was that we had some targets with labels left over.
The upside was for less than 1 cent added cost the unused were used in practice!
Make Yourself a Hero at your Club and Pre print some Target Labels.
If interested just send me an email and I will send you a Target Label program.
To use it you will need Excel & Word 2000 or later and spend some time to learn.


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Guess What in 97% of all the matches I have been too in the last 5 years with over 10 shooters this has happened – how about you??

I don't mean to pick on you but I think you exaggerate a bit here. yes I have seen what you say happen for sure.but more like one out of ten times than nine out of ten. I recently shot the IBS Score Nationals in Iowa and in four days of shooting with over 50 contestants each day the only unscheduled trip down range I remember during the entire match was one time when a shot accidentally severed something in the backer system. The target Crew was Randy Robinette his wife and a couple other people. Randy actually gave up shooting in the match just to do his part for the club effort. In fact many of the club members did the same. As to target labels most of the bigger matches I have ever attended used target labels It still takes a Target crew that is on their toes to keep things straight.


PS Doug I did not realize this post was you till after I wrote it

I make it to a lot of Centerfire Matches, and I can't remember one where the targets were not labled, or written in very legible numbers. It is also pretty common practice for the Range Officer to tell the shooters to "check you competitor number".

It is the Target Crews responsibility to insure that the correct target is placed in the correct frame. The rules even reflect this, as the Rule Book states that a shooter is responsible for his relay, his bench, and his target board. It does not mention the actual target.

I have been to matches where the mirage was so bad that you couldn't read the numbers, but no label this side of a neon light would help that.

But, I do appreciate your encouraging us all to do better...........jackie
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I did exaggerate a little bit. The reason I posted here was because the IBS club in Charlestown were the ones who showed me how easy and effective it was for labeling targets. James does it for all their matches. I did not post this as a flame on target crews. My post was just trying to point out there is an easy cheap way to label targets that helps reduce the chance for error especially in a big match.
I did exaggerate a little bit.

I wrote a program for Target labels about 15 years ago that in addition to Competitor Number shows Match number and which target frame it is to be hung on after rotation, But it not only runs on a Mac it runs on an ancient Mac not even on any of the last several generations machine. I have one of the first run of powerbooks to run it and if that machine dies I am SOL.

Would you please email me a copy of your Label program

What could be easier or more simple than marking the target with a magic marker? Seems like much to do about little. And yes at the Rattlesnake this year a target had to be changed because it had the wrong number on it. No big deal, about a 10 min max delay.

print direct

I created a set of word docs that prints the number directly on the target. A single target or any particular number targets by specifiying the corresponding page numbers. Unused targets then get an Avery label over the number so that they can be reprinted next match. The hard part is finding a laser printer that can be used with the odd paper size. We bought an old HP8000 for less than the cost of a toner cartridge. We put 25-30 targets in the manual feed and they are done in 5 minutes.
I think your Idea is the best if the target will go through an 8/12 x 11 printer.
All the Rimfire Targets we shoot are way to big.:(
I will have to mention this to Dick when he gets back from his nats this weekend.
My program would work even better merging to a target that was less then the 8 1/2 x 11 because I am not limited to making tgt details fit on a small label.
Why print Labels when you could print right on the target.:)
I just looked at the Targets on the IBS website and only 2 would be able to use a normal printer. So my guess is that Labels are still the way to go?
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