When a Hawkeye is just too darned expensive!

You are absolutely right John.
Seems this one is made for short barrels but then again looking at it for what it is maybe its for extremely long ones.
Thats gotta hurt.:(
My thoughts...."DON'T TOUCH THAT THING"...you don't know where it has been...:eek:
I have three of those medical scopes. They are made to look down at an angle so they don't need a additional mirror like a Hawkeye. That scope has a bid of $25.00. That would'nt buy the box it's in. The hawkeye is over $700.00 for a scope that size. Next to a out of sight fiber optic scope, that American cystoscope is the best there is.
That scope will operate at 3 volt's, or two flashlight batteries.
I have 2 of these one is a medical scope the other is a bore scope marked us property.
The long one is for inspecting 30cal barrels . I was told the short one was used for pistols.
The bulbs are non existant . acmi hasen't any more . they were destroyed.{old inventory}
Someone in electronics can make or adapt a bulb for them. Yes they are used with a 3 volt set of batterys.
The bulbs are non existant . acmi hasen't any more . they were destroyed.{old inventory}
Someone in electronics can make or adapt a bulb for them. Yes they are used with a 3 volt set of batterys.

This is precisely why I stopped shopping on Ebay after a couple of months of having checked the bore scope offerings on a daily basis. I was under the belief that I could be smart and save myself a couple of hundred bucks by not buying a Hawkeye. What I kept finding was that there was all kinds of weird medical bore scopes, obsolete scopes, and scopes with improper viewing angles or scopes with non-useable diameters and/or lengths, and borescopes that required optional lighting attachments. Last year I finally bought the $800 Hawkey with the angle eye-piece and a $75 rebate included in that price, and have never looked back. It's made with firearm buffs in mind, and the parts and service are readilly available from the manufacturer right here in the good ole USA. What I did save by NOT buying medical scope on Ebay was probably a headache!
On Crying once:

After trying to be frugal and buying every "Cheap" thing I thought I needed to feed my shooting habit I have finally came to a place in my life where I have realized that the old adage "By the best and cry once" is the correct way to proceed. To that end I bought a Hawkeye WITH the right hand angle eye piece. Wouldn't ever look back :)
Being NEW to BR SHooting, I have to ask, What is a "Hawkey"? How do I get info on it? What would be a good price? Just learning have very little experience and want to learn.

doom unless I have missed the whole concept of this thread it is that the haweye that is being is described it for looking up a penis.
doom unless I have missed the whole concept of this thread it is that the haweye that is being is described it for looking up a penis.

It's o.k to do that now...you can even tell about too :)
"As far as I'm aware, it is in working order (I checked the electrical continuity with my multimeter), although locating the correct batteries and/or bulbs might prove challenging. I'm sure that functional substitutions could be made, should one actually choose to use this Item, rather than merely displaying it."

It brought 51.00 + 15.00, the way that I read the add, sounds like it needs a bulb & batt(s).