Dusty Stevens
Hollow Point Dispenser
Main reason is they get sick of hearing how stupid their methods that win are. Every question they answer with experience is questioned by someone like "sits in trees"
Main reason is they get sick of hearing how stupid their methods that win are. Every question they answer with experience is questioned by someone like "sits in trees"
aw 'ell guys just remember, "don't let the bastards grind you down!"
wilbur does an incredible job of administering this wonderful site and there is a vast pool of experience and knowledge available here on br central. Yes, we will always have those that are more interested in stroking their egos than sharing factual information but that's the case in every walk of life.Don't worry 'bout it!
If someone hurls an undeserved verbal spear at you, just ignore them.I know it's hard to do but that's the best way to handle a bully. Don't misunderstand; i'm not saying we shouldn't challenge someone that has posted something that is definitely wrong or might mislead a new shooter or get someone hurt but if it's obviously just an attempt to toot one's own horn or insult someone else, just ignore it. We humans have a natural tendency to give too much attention to the egotists of the world instead of concentrating on the wise, hard working people who hold it all together and make it happen.
Have a good one today!:d
gene beggs
I'll ask this question while it's still pertinent....I know it will cause trouble of some sort but maybe the problem is within. Think about the question a bit before answering and try not to assume the thoughts of others.
Why have some of the competitive benchrest shooters quit posting?
I was not going to get into this, but what the h___ll. Me thinks some of you people are wrong. #1 I would be strongly in favor of using your own name, I have since day 1, I am me! if you don't like me! tough, you can't keep everyone happy, and only an idiot tries, and Wilbur is far from an idiot. #2 Every morning I go on another website where I am not suppose to be and I look at some of the posts there, and after I stop laughing I go to BC. Nothing that is said here can match what I read, so when one person says something, I just laugh it off and go to the next post. Oh Well! such is life, just think some day I will be as old as Francis, (snigger)EH!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I logged on one day a few years ago I couldn't get into the system. Wilbur sent me the link to reset everything more than once. It just quit working. Tried to create a new account with my name and I couldn't, so, now I just use my first initial. Close enough, I suppose.
At least I don't have to put Francis in my tag line. .. ;^)
see, ccbw, another seasoned genius like meself that thinks it should be mandatory to use your real name. I agree with gammon, if i were as old as francis, i might try to cover up my face, but not my name,,,,right jan??
Make folks use their real names that will sort out the "sits in trees" from real folks who carry this nation forward on their backs with their ppc's and hummer barrels!!!
Btw, gamm, why weren't you at weikert?
He has a tinfoil hat to keep them out of his thoughts. Prolly keeps us safe from some unknown force or three also.
Personally, I just use a replica Minnie Pearl straw hat to keep safe