what tool to engrave barrels??


Active member
im looking for a tool to lable my rifle barrels with but im not having any luck. what do i need to look for? lee

You might want to check any local engraving shops. We have one in our small town and they do bang up etching/engraving on the bbls for $6. For the number of bbls that I do, can't beat the price.

I have one that looks very similar to that one Mike posted, except mine is several decades older. Works like a charm for barrels.

Joe Hynes
Alphabet and number punches?

Have a Shilen installed barrel w/nice script engraving, but most factory barrels I've ever seen look like the engraving was punched or rolled-in. Probably different in the laser/plasma age but as barrels are essentially disposables to most internet shooters, why spend the money for an engraving job? Jewelry engraving involves far less depth than that common to firearms markings. Gotta cost one helluva lot to get an "engraver" to do your barrel or home machined receiver. How much do firearms engravers charge and what's the wait time? Something like: "if you have to ask, you can't afford it"; and wait time just a little sooner than forever...

Recall seeing Lee's post elsewhere selling a 12x40 lathe; upgrading to a larger one... Maybe you're gonna turn howitzer barrels? 12" swing and 40" bed ought suffice for even .50bmg stuff measured in meters. Would need one helluva large set of punches to engrave those babies in any scale. Maybe ought look for a stencil cutter and yellow paint?
Im not going to put a punch to any of my barrels, or anyone elses. I like doing nice work, and a proper lable helps to show this. I cant spend a lot of money at this time as i have spent the stash already, but if i can find a deal on a decent unit, then i will get creative, and ill find a way to own it. LOL!!

As far as the jet lathe, yep it was a good little unit. Did just fine for what i wanted to do with it. However my father is, or was, also invested in the machine, and it wasnt heavy enough for the work he needed to do. Not that any of this should matter to anyone, best part of the hole thing was that we took great care of the machine and we sold it for every penny we had in it. Lee
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I have a New Hermes TX model. It has the motor for cut engraving, and the diamond tipped doo-dad for doing scratch engraving. I use the scratch engraver on barrels. I am quite happy with it as it does a nice job and is easy to use.

I paid the princely sum of $0.00 for mine, 4 sets of fonts, cutters, attachments, etc. My machine shop owning friend had it, didn't use it, and was tired of it cluttering up his shop so I reduced it to possession. I did give him a couple cases of beer, though...

As they are old school technology, you should be able to find one at a decent price. Until then, heed the advice given above and find a local trophy shop. In my pre-pantograph days, I had a trophy shop do a barrel for me. It cost me a whole 15 bucks.

Attached are a few pics. A barrel I engraved this past weekend, and a set of vee blocks I machined to hold barrels whilst engraving.



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CNC Mill

Skeet, I converted my G0704 Mill to CNC and engrave my barrels with Mach3. I use a Diamond drag bit as it seems to do a nice clean job. Do you have a mill yet?
I used to punch mine and even with practice using a jig it still didn't look very professional.

yes we just upgraded to a better mill in fact. a like new 4hp ACER with DRO and power feed. I have no idea what a Mach3 is though. Please advise. thanks lee
Lee, Mach3 is a windows based cnc program for my mill. Seems like most everyone around here runs Mach3 for CNC software. It has an engraving program that I use for my barrels or anything I need to engrave.

I wasn't sure if you had a CNC mill or not. I used my mill in manual configuration for about a year before I converted it to 3 axis CNC. Now I wonder how I did without it all these years haha.

Anyways without cnc on your mill engraving is not going to work, figured id check to see if you were running one or not.

Others have suggested some good ideas, check around if you can find a shop somewhere that does laser engraving on the cheap. It sure does look very professional when done correct.

Well I gotta get back to making bullets :D

Have you looked at the chemical etch systems? Quick and easy, I used to use a engraving setup. I can etch a barrel with the caliber and my logo and have it back on the action before I could set up the Hermes. In my opinion the etch looks far better. The clients seem to like it too, When asked which one they want on their rifle they ALWAYS choose the etch,
Richard Hilts
Hilts Custom Rifles

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Look on Marking Methods website, The last time I was there I think they had a video that will show you the process. You can have them make you a stencil or you can make your own in house. Marking Methods have rolls of stencil material. I perfer the stencil material from Etch o Matic. I think they have a video of the process too.

You can have a stencil for your Business name, That will be a constant. Make a stencil for all the chamber reamers you have now. Then everytime you get a new reamer make a stencil for it. So when you get done with a barrel the marks only take a few minutes. I sure saved me alot of setup time over the years. The stencils can be used over and over. They last for quite a few markings.

Mr. Lee Jurras introduced me to the process about 15-20 years ago, Great guy. I have been using one ever since. Boe
I paid about 1/3 of that for mine Jerry. It is a LOT older model but it works good. I have thought about another set of letters for it, but the block style I have now work just fine.

I got my New Hermes from a local trophy shop that had retired it in favor of new technology. It was stored in a garage and had a damaged stylus, but I got it for $100 with 4 complete letter sets and I was able to fix the stylus myself so it was a good deal. It works great. I use it to engrave barrels, reloading dies, buttplates and picture frames for the wife. I have even used it to engrave information on HSS chamber reamers. I made a set of Delrin V blocks to hold barrels and added a bar to help support the barrel.

I'd think with 4 sets of fonts that's a pretty good, as in cheap price. But, that's getting in the area where you need to be doing more than just work for yourself to justify the purchase. But, then again when it comes to benchrest it doesn't take much to justify just about any machinery purchase. I never thought about having a shop full of machinery when I started shooting benchrest.