What to do when someone doesn't deliver on a sale?

Tim you can send money to anyone anywhere who has a paypal account set up.
You can call it services, or even just living expenses if you wish. They dont know and have no way to find out.

But they would if it came down to a fraud situation wouldn't they? If I couldn't utilize their (PayPal) protection in a transaction, then no need to use them. I remember someone trying to start a similar service called GunPal a few years back but have heard anything else about it. My mother was a postmaster in a small town and one of two employees in the Post Office. The other was the rural carrier. She saw scams and fraud on a daily basis back in the 70s & 80s. I can only image it has gotten worst. I have been burned twice on internet transactions. Thankfully only a few hundred bucks lost. Thanks to all you honest guys out there in the internet gunworld. Somewhere in the back of my mind I am thinking, "Ok, I am crook. Don't I really what to try and rip off some guys that is likely very good at long range shooting and have him pissed off me?" I sure the heck wouldn't.... Tim
Tim I dont quite get where your reply relates to what you said before or mine.
All I was referring to was that if paypal does not want us to buy things that are legal to purchase like stocks and bullets and things you can send the money as being for any number of things. There is no way for paypal to verify what its for.
They have services, merchandise even a listing for sending money for living expenses.
Tim I dont quite get where your reply relates to what you said before or mine.
All I was referring to was that if paypal does not want us to buy things that are legal to purchase like stocks and bullets and things you can send the money as being for any number of things. There is no way for paypal to verify what its for.
They have services, merchandise even a listing for sending money for living expenses.
But as Tim said if push came to shove and you did not get your merchandise or it was substandard it is questionable if they would help you with a problem since you were not completely honest about the transaction in the first place.

Ahh now I see.
I never just send money through pay pal (except via ebay) to someone I dont know.... at least not so far.
I guess I never realized paypal would get involved I always knew that ebay had their own services or so I thought.
Maybe it was paypal and I just always thought that it was ebay.
Ahh now I see.
I never just send money through pay pal (except via ebay) to someone I dont know.... at least not so far.
I guess I never realized paypal would get involved I always knew that ebay had their own services or so I thought.
Maybe it was paypal and I just always thought that it was ebay.
I have done a good bit of ebay i the past (my feedback is 200+) and I will tell you from experience getting eBay to help you is like pulling teeth. I had a couple different problems and It is so automated you cannot contact anybody to tell them your problem until you have jumped through their hoops for about 30 days.

I've made a few phone calls in behalf of both buyers and sellers with positive results. Sadly, where it's a scam fom the beginning I ain't had much luck.
By the way, Pay-pal is not a guarantee. I've known of two people (shooters) who had their personal data stolen from Pay-pal (Pay-pal acknowledged this). One only had extra charges made to his account, the other got into a whole identity theft issue.

Not to blame Pay-pal. If you're big enough, the hacking thieves will eventually target you. Just pointing out it isn't a cure-all.
So the perp operates from the notorious "Hide"...........my one experience with that site's classifieds has left me avoiding it like the plague.......matter of fact I avoid the forum there also.....too many members show traits of the "tin hat" brigade.
I seem to recall from a previous thread, someone had some success by contacting local law enforcement in the perp's community. After supplying the sheriff there with the details of what was happening, a deputy stopped by the perp's residence, had a little talk, and got immediate results for the poster. Who knows? If he's into other things, the law may be looking for an excuse to "drop in" on him. Doesn't cost more than some research and a phone call...might work for you.

Yes, gentlemen..... I consider paying by US Post Office Money Order to be at best marginal protection....as they are a huge governmental entity. I'm not sure how well they would pursue nominal thefts like this without you helping to provide essential information on the perp. If you don't know the perpetrators SS#, or at least his Drivers License (most of us aren't a T-Mobile merchant who collect SS# info) I'd think that the Post Office would be overwhelmed with such cases that they would deem small, and may not have the time and means to pursue all but the worse cases.. (??)

I think Pay-Pal would provide even slimmer chances of recovery. Considering their ant-gun demeanor, I wouldn't even want to have to divulge to them that the item is even remotely shooting sports related.

BTW: I'm sure all you guys know to be very careful when maintaining a Pa-Pal account if the account is set up to draft funds directly out of your general operating house bank-account. To prevent a crook from cleaning out my general house bank account (that has a fair amount of cash in it), I actually have a seperate bank account with a limited maintained balance set up just for Pay-Pal drafts. If a crook gains access, and one day I discover that the account has been violated and all funds cleaned out.....no major harm done and I can still sleep at night.
Out the weasel

On November 6 I agreed to buy a Lyman power trimmer on the Accurate Shooter classified site. I sent $60 (great price) to the seller, he acknowledged receiving it, told me he didn't ship for nine days due to a hunting trip, and then went silent. He no longer takes my phone calls and doesn't respond to emails. I've avoided putting his name on the site in case he has had a medical problem that I'm unaware of.

Your fellow shooters, who might also get fleeced by this crook, deserve to know who he is. You've given him more than enough leeway. Name him.

Situations like this remind me of the newspapers/internet news sites, that describe a robbery, but leave out specific and very helpful information about what the suspects look like. How the heck is the public supposed to protect itself if they don't have all the info? (Political correctness factors into some of these omissions, for certain...)

Back to the original post: NAME THE GUY, and provide his location. The only person you protect by hiding his identity is the bad guy.
I've sent him a registered letter. I'm going to give him another short period to comply before posting his name. He's known to some of our members and has been well-regarded. I want to rule out any medical or personal issues. In the meantime, I'm watching the classifieds. If he offers something for sale, I'll speak up immediately.

I am deeply sadden to see such scams are going on. It aggravates me to see scams go both sides from the seller and consumer. It worries me because I own an online retail/service. All I have is my word and as I grow others will rely on it. Another thing I am deeply concerned about is charge-backs. All I can do is hope that I am dealing with honest people like myself in doing the right thing.

I do think you should call people/business out on their behavior. Many people read these posts. Many of us rely on our fellow members for information, how to do things, etc. We should also rely on your opinions in doing business. One beef I have is with GPal, formally known as GunPal. I have not been paid since Aug. 2010 and have made numerous posts in relation to my ordeal.

I had made a sell to a guy in Canada. He forgot to add something to his order. I went ahead and mailed his complete order. We agreed he would just send a money order when he could. Everything worked out fine. I still talk to the gentleman via email.

People just need to step up to the plate and be honest with their life and dealing with others.

Good Shooting,

Jason Lumetta