What recourse do I have?



I had a gun being rebarreled by a smith, and he damaged the receiver getting the old barrel off. He sent me an email yesterday saying that he replaced the old receiver with one of the same brand, but not up to the standards of the one I sent him. He never ok'd this with me, he just did it. THe new rifle is on it's way to me already. This new rifle is going to be of no use to me as a BR gun. What do I do?
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How do you know the gun will be of no use? How do you know the new receiver isn't every bit as good as yours was?

Perhaps you should wait until you have a chance to shoot the gun before condemming it.

Every smith I know in the rimfire game goes out of their way to be fair and wants his customers to be satisfied.

Give the rifle a try you may be surprised.
What recourse do I have

How do you know the new action is not up to par if you have not seen it. Is there not a chance you could be supprised by the Quality of the new action?
Why don't you have a chance to get your money back ? is he some fly by night you gave your action to. From everything I have heard all the good smiths stand behind thier workmanship. They may not gurentee MOA, but thier work is thier word.

I sent him a CZ 452 with a worked on 6 oz trigger. He replaced it with a 453 that has a set trigger that will only go to 1 lb. I tried finding someone that makes an aftermarket trigger for the 453, and have had no luck. Even if I find one, it's going to be my expense to replace it. A 1lb trigger will not work for BR shooting.
How do you know the new action is not up to par if you have not seen it. Is there not a chance you could be supprised by the Quality of the new action?
Why don't you have a chance to get your money back ? is he some fly by night you gave your action to. From everything I have heard all the good smiths stand behind thier workmanship. They may not gurentee MOA, but thier work is thier word.


I didn't think he was a fly-by-night when I sent it to him.
did you trasfer the old recciver to him ? is the new one going to be transfered to you ??? ....he better snd to old one back as well.

I doubt I'll get the old receiver back. I would be happy if I did, at least I would have all my trigger parts that I could put into another 452.
Wow, Mr. george is right -you lost your gun. My opinion what he done is very close to theft, if not theft. He had no right keeping your receiver, he probably has broken some ATF laws for sure. Now your hung out to dry if that gun is ever used in a crime. Maybe he justed liked your 452 receiver better than his 453 and just traded with you, how you gonna know? I don't even know if you guys can legally "just trade" anymore... what a can of worms.
You should get your receiver back, if not call the law enforcement agency in his area and ask them if you can file theft charges. joe :(
I'm an FFL and I transferred the original rifle to an FFL in his state. Everything has been on the up and up as far as transfers go.
Well... if you have done the transfers, i don't think there is much recourse now. Try and make the best of your new rifle. joe:confused:
The first thing I would do is to call the smith and tell him that his trade was unacceptable and try to work out a deal that you feel is fair. He has a bailment requirement to return your property. The best you could do is a new 452 and the trigger parts. If he did the barrel work on the new action, he could charge for that but no more....
Wouldn't it be nice if you didn't have to pay for stuff up front? unless you're willing to get in your car and drive to the guy's house, it sounds like you're screwed. It happens all the time, more often than folks think. It's sad when you put your trust and your treasure in someone and this is what you get. Mistakes happen, for sure, nobody's perfect, but the guy should at the least return the parts you sent him, buy you a new 452 and give you your money back. Thanks, Douglas
This guy wanted 50% up front, but I had heard so many good things about him that I sent him the whole thing. I NEVER thought I would have these kinds of problems.
Me neither...All the gunsmiths I ever dealt with with said to check it out and if I was happy, send them a check and if I wasn't happy to let them know and they would make me happy..

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This guy wanted 50% up front, but I had heard so many good things about him that I sent him the whole thing. I NEVER thought I would have these kinds of problems.

Sounds like a bricklayer. If you send your components, why would anybody want something up front. They could charge on the back end even if you have to go get it. Asking for 50% indicates they are buying the components and don't have the cash. Sounds like a bricklayer.
Sounds like a bricklayer. If you send your components, why would anybody want something up front. They could charge on the back end even if you have to go get it. Asking for 50% indicates they are buying the components and don't have the cash. Sounds like a bricklayer.

I agree, I've done work for people and have had completed guns sitting here waiting for payment. Not a big deal to me.
If I had ever done this to someone I'd be sure and make it right or as close as possible.
Reputation is everything in this business.
So, let me get this right. You transferred ownership of your rifle to another FFL then payed your smith to buy it so he could do the work on it?? And you say you have an FFL? Then he sells you another rifle, am I getting this right so far?
I hate to say it but I think your smith saw a pigeon land on his window sill. Yep, I'd say you are screwed, I hate to say you deserved it. You did bend over and grab your ankles however. Sorry for your loss, I hope a lesson was learned in the process. Bummer all the way around!

So, let me get this right. You transferred ownership of your rifle to another FFL then payed your smith to buy it so he could do the work on it?? And you say you have an FFL? Then he sells you another rifle, am I getting this right so far?
I hate to say it but I think your smith saw a pigeon land on his window sill. Yep, I'd say you are screwed, I hate to say you deserved it. You did bend over and grab your ankles however. Sorry for your loss, I hope a lesson was learned in the process. Bummer all the way around!


No, you don't have it right! The smith in question doesn't have an FFL, so it would be illegal for me to send it directly to him. I sent it to a friend of his who had an FFL and did transfers for him. He picked up the gun from his FFL (he didn't buy it from him) and did the work on it. And no, he never sold me another rifle. I'm not sure what post you read? He just didn't return the rifle that I sent to him, he returned a different one. Why do you think I deserve it? What the hell did I do wrong in this exchange? I sent a guy a rifle to work on in good faith, and you think I bent over and grabbed my ankles? Please explain?