What I might be missing

Hey fellas
I have a couple of sporter rifles for hunting, a Winchester M70 .30-06 and a Remington 721 .270 Winchester. The M70 I bedded free floated barrel, left the trigger alone, have a Redfeild Accutrac 3-9x40, Shoots really good after some improved handloading. Got rid of fliers, pleasantly surprised of the outcome. Just wanted to know what I could do to the 721 without disturbing the barrel inlet, and not have to bed the stock. I shot it once or twice with some handloads, it shot ok, but I know it can shoot better. Haven't worked on loads for it like the M70. In general, and I know this is a benchrest forum, but any one who has these rifles, could chime in with some advice it would be appreciated.
Some things to try without too much trouble: Use wind flags, Give the barrel a good cleaning with a mild abrasive like JB compound or Iosso, Shoot from a rest and a rear sandbag if you have them. Remove the swivel studs from the stock if you are shooting off of a rest and/or sandbag. Lighten up the trigger pull and try to get rid of creep. Some over travel is ok. Use a higher power scope if you not already are. On some rifles a bit of up pressure on the underside of the barrel at the fore end of the stock may help. Finally do a little more load development. Good luck at finding that sweet spot.