What happens when.......

MY friend:

My friend, DJ's shooting this week-end.....but, if you're serious, I'll contact DJ and see if he would actually have time to fly up there, at your expense, and shoot with you......If he does, I'll put up his $ 1,000.00......

I like you my friend....you can rightly be proud of one of Randy's guns....

Your friend, Bill Calfee

Hey Bill can I get 1/2 that action I think I could scrape up $500 to Back Dj.
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ARA Nationals

Who ever was backing DJ, come to the nationals,I might need the money to get home, rather than pay for ya all to come to alaska, i will be at the nationals aug 30, 2008. i'm sure than we can come up with some kind of money game. and if I lose to anybody but DJ, I will pay BC off with fresh King Crab from Alaska. I forgot to mention the barrel i have on is the best in the world, shoots right through a 6 MPH cross wind. BM/3G. Yes Sir.
Why don't you guys go back to the orignal deal ...and forget about the fish...WHO TOLD WHO TO SHUT THERE PIE HOLE.....

I'll bring a 10/22 to the big shoot just for you Armond.

Kirk Gaston for the worlds anybody want to donate for his trip?
I would love, who every ends up with the most accurate gun in the world to come to alaska, I got 1000.00 says ya can't out shoot my hall, smith by randy leger. I will even pay for you plane ticket, maybe BC can come up and witness the event. Bill put your money up or:cool: shut your pie hole.

Talk about sticking your foot in your mouth.
That ain't nothing that you, the president, or I haven't done before. :D

He's came clean from what I seen. Some would never even post a response once they were called. He did, so at least give him some credit for being wrong.

You people that are still talking need to show up in august,I just changed the place not the bet. i really hope you all are going to bring your A Game, because the way this BM barrel is shooting its going to take a real good agg. Had an off week end agged a 2275 on 6 targets in a 8 mph breeze. yes I know your going to say its not the same pressure as the big shoot, Yes I shot against the best in centerfire, sometimes even bet the best in tony boyer, and i was shooting trap at one time, 27 yard AA shooter, Not much pressure there. I don't need money to motivate me, I will try and beat you for 50 cents.

lets get it on.