What does a nice custom rimfire BR cost?



My main shooting sport is bullseye pistol but I used to shoot 3P, I've since hung up 3P but small bore BR sounds like fun.

I saw a listing of current equipment winning matches and appears a 2500x action, Shilen barrel and B&A trigger is a winning combo. What is a custom rig gonna cost? I've already got a NF BR scope sitting on my 6mmbr rifle that I can use. What kind of wait times do the custom smiths usually have?
I'd say $3000 give or take. Usually the biggest delay is sourcing a barrel.
Do not discount considering a decent used rifle, lots of very competitive equipment often available for a variety of reasons, I have bought several great guns on this site alone.
My main shooting sport is bullseye pistol but I used to shoot 3P, I've since hung up 3P but small bore BR sounds like fun.

I saw a listing of current equipment winning matches and appears a 2500x action, Shilen barrel and B&A trigger is a winning combo. What is a custom rig gonna cost? I've already got a NF BR scope sitting on my 6mmbr rifle that I can use. What kind of wait times do the custom smiths usually have?

If you build new you are looking at $3000.00 in parts plus the cost of the smith. Some smith's work quicker than others, and some times of the year are busier than others.

A better idea maybe looking in the classifieds on this, and other sites. Many times you can save money plus you can shoot the rifle before you buy it.

If you build new, it may shoot, and it may not, but you will not know until after your money is spent.

Also don't overlook Turbos, both old and new, 10Xs, and Tridents. They will all compete.

Another idea is attend a match and ask around you may find someone there with a rifle for sale and you will be able to try it on the spot.

Good luck.

Stiller just sold a bunch of new rifles between $2600-$2800. All smithed by him.
I've put the last 2 heavy guns together myself & he's not making much on his time as the parts cost pretty close to that I'm thinking.. Worth every penny for the new owners.
As was mentioned don't overlook a used rifle. I just sold an Eck Turbo 10.5 gun for $1900. Won a National Championship the last time it was shot. Good guns are out there for a little less money.
One more thing, check to see what is available for matches around you as to if there are any weight restrictions such as IR50's 10.5 class etc. IR50 Unlimited & ARA have no weight restrictions. Again, familiarize yourself with whats available near you.

Thanks for the feedback guys. I need to do some thinking to decide how deep I wanna get. Also need to decide if I want to save up or just sell some rarely used bullseye pistols to finance.

I found out I'm just an hour away from Mid TN sporting Association which as matches. I'm going to contact the match director to get the match details.
Stiller just sold a bunch of new rifles between $2600-$2800. All smithed by him.
I've put the last 2 heavy guns together myself & he's not making much on his time as the parts cost pretty close to that I'm thinking.. Worth every penny for the new owners.
As was mentioned don't overlook a used rifle. I just sold an Eck Turbo 10.5 gun for $1900. Won a National Championship the last time it was shot. Good guns are out there for a little less money.
One more thing, check to see what is available for matches around you as to if there are any weight restrictions such as IR50's 10.5 class etc. IR50 Unlimited & ARA have no weight restrictions. Again, familiarize yourself with whats available near you.


2500X, 1400.00; Barrel, 300.00, RoTex Stock, 750.00; B&A or Flavio trigger, 400.00; tuner, 160.00; scope rail, 75.00; labor ??? I couldn't get there on a good day.

The last thing I want to do is to come across as skeptical or critical. I'm a huge admirer of Jerry. I think he does this to promote and advance the game of rimfire BR and certainly not to make a living.
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Looking to build a new rifle

Let me know if you’re in the market to build a new rifle. I have a smith close by that does good work and would be glad to help you out. Call with any questions 304-266-0081
2500X, 1400.00; Barrel, 300.00, RoTex Stock, 750.00; B&A or Flavio trigger, 400.00; tuner, 160.00; scope rail, 75.00; labor ??? I couldn't get there on a good day.

The last thing I want to do is to come across as skeptical or critical. I'm a huge admirer of Jerry. I think he does this to promote and advance the game of rimfire BR and certainly not to make a living.

I believe he stated they all went as a one time shot for less than he had into them, helping out was very likely part of the equation.
2500X, 1400.00; Barrel, 300.00, RoTex Stock, 750.00; B&A or Flavio trigger, 400.00; tuner, 160.00; scope rail, 75.00; labor ??? I couldn't get there on a good day.

The last thing I want to do is to come across as skeptical or critical. I'm a huge admirer of Jerry. I think he does this to promote and advance the game of rimfire BR and certainly not to make a living.

What I did was put a Spectraply clear coated stock by ROTex, a 2500X action, Jewell trigger, my tuner. The barrel is from my stack of barrels that I tested for my personal guns. All of those were good shooters that I probably didn't put enough time into the tuning. I kept 3 out of about 40, so the chance that some of these were great barrels is pretty good. The ones that didn't shoot to my quick cull, I put into a separate pile, probably about 40% of them. In essence, the buyer gets a gun with a barrel that is in the top half of what you could get starting with new.

Bottom line, I sold a stock for Randy and put a gun together for someone with an almost free barrel. It helps Randy and gets someone a good gun and doesn't cost me much except labor I already spent. I may have a few more in the next few months. They will most likely be the same, but have some 2500XS actions with the bottom filled and cut to fit a stock bedded for a 2500X.
What I did was put a Spectraply clear coated stock by ROTex, a 2500X action, Jewell trigger, my tuner. The barrel is from my stack of barrels that I tested for my personal guns. All of those were good shooters that I probably didn't put enough time into the tuning. I kept 3 out of about 40, so the chance that some of these were great barrels is pretty good. The ones that didn't shoot to my quick cull, I put into a separate pile, probably about 40% of them. In essence, the buyer gets a gun with a barrel that is in the top half of what you could get starting with new.

Bottom line, I sold a stock for Randy and put a gun together for someone with an almost free barrel. It helps Randy and gets someone a good gun and doesn't cost me much except labor I already spent. I may have a few more in the next few months. They will most likely be the same, but have some 2500XS actions with the bottom filled and cut to fit a stock bedded for a 2500X.


You have my contact info. I’ll be impatiently rubbing my hands together in anticipation... :D


Well I've been emailing Anthony at turbo about pricing for a build. Since I'm a lefty I figured the ideal setup would be left bolt right port and heard the 2500x is not offered in LB. I put up for sale one of my expensive bullseye pistols which will pay for the majority of the rifle, we'll see if it sells.
Well I've been emailing Anthony at turbo about pricing for a build. Since I'm a lefty I figured the ideal setup would be left bolt right port and heard the 2500x is not offered in LB. I put up for sale one of my expensive bullseye pistols which will pay for the majority of the rifle, we'll see if it sells.

Jerry has said that a LB is in the works. Perhaps this year.

I just emailed Stiller to see what they say, always good to have options but I will say Anthony at Turbo has been great to work with so far.
Right Bolt - Right Port

Well I've been emailing Anthony at turbo about pricing for a build. Since I'm a lefty I figured the ideal setup would be left bolt right port and heard the 2500x is not offered in LB. I put up for sale one of my expensive bullseye pistols which will pay for the majority of the rifle, we'll see if it sells.

I'm left handed and I have two 2500X actions that are right bolt - right port. I much prefer to load on the right side so that I can see the chamber and the round being placed onto the loading port. I have my ammo and timer right where I can plainly see it. It's a very smooth setup (for me anyway).
You may want to sit down at your kitchen table and emulate what you are thinking and what I described. Make sure that what you order is what you will be happy with.
I trust that this will help you.
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I'm left handed and I have two 2500X actions that are right bolt - right port. I much prefer to load on the right side so that I can see the chamber and the round being placed onto the loading port. I have my ammo and timer right where I can see plainly see it. It's a very smooth setup (for me anyway).
You may want to sit down at your kitchen table and emulate what you are thinking and what I described. Make sure that what you order is what you will be happy with.
I trust that this will help you.

Second the right port as a lefty notion. I’m a lefty as well. Having a left bolt would be nice but since I’m already loading on the right side I now feel the right bolt is advantageous.
Turbo Receivers

All of our our receiver models are available in any bolt and port configuration, none are special order. The majority of left hand builds we supply for left handed BR customers are left bolt right port which makes them easier to operate when sitting at the bench. At the end of the day it comes down to personal preference which is why we offer any bolt and port configuration.

Best Regards, Anthony DiOrio
Hi Anthony,
Looking forward to competing with the LBRP Turbo V3 rifle you are building for me. You should have received a fax with my FFL today.
Thanks for the feedback guys. I need to do some thinking to decide how deep I wanna get. Also need to decide if I want to save up or just sell some rarely used bullseye pistols to finance.

I found out I'm just an hour away from Mid TN sporting Association which as matches. I'm going to contact the match director to get the match details.

AND... don't forget that you will have to join the "great ammo chase" and your ammo will run you anywhere from $1400 to $1900 a case, depending on what ammo you choose... Rimfire BR is a great game, but you need some deep pockets to play effectively...