What do you do with your old barrels?


scott mims

I was wondering what yall do with your old barrels. are you able to get a couple of bucks for them, just give them away or ...........
Hi Scott

I usually set up at a gun show once a year and am usually able to sell mine for $25.00 Not much but better than nothing.Hope to see ya at Mickeys match
thanks jerry i would love to get something for them. i NEED a new one BAD :)
There used to be a good market for taking 6PPC barrels, running a 6BR Reamer in, setting the shoulder back for a Remington recoil lug, and making the local guys at the range happy. I used to do this quite often. I would charge $75 for the barrel, and maybe $50 and some good conversation for the work.

At this time, I am keeping all of my old barrels, probably got 30 or 40 laying around. I think I will re-visit many of them, and see if perhaps I ended the marriage too quickly.........jackie
Just make sure you sell them as "TOTALLY" scrap barrels. I had 10 to sell one day and put them on a web site, (not here) and got a Email from some moron who would take all 10 if I would guarantee him they would shoot. Yea right!!! anyway I sold some and he tried to get me kicked off the web-site because I did not honour his request.
I am looking for machine projects/ practice. Depending on the round count and or how many times they have been set back i may buy one or two? Send me a PM. thanks Lee
Listen to Bill Gammon.I gave away barrels and even payed the shipping never to hear from the new owners ever again.In hindsight that was probably a good thing.

I have sold exactly one barrel a new 1.450 Hart blank to a shooter who installed it on his gun then a year or two later comes on another website and says that it only shoots good once in a while and I purposely sold him a lemon.
It is not worth the aggravation to sell barrels or even give them away as you are dealing with the public.
Sanding arbors for fitting banded front sight ramps and barrel band swivel lugs. Muzzle brakes. Reloading dies if the OD is big enough. Bedding pillars. The list is endless.



Iguess thats one use for one thats washed really bad.
If it long enough they make good varmint rifle barrels The last one i gave away was cut down for an Xp100
The first group out was pretty small.
Just as a followup, I have sold barrels that I have fallen out of love with to other shooters, and they have come back and beat me with them.

You never know............jackie
Good scrap deals

Well I don't consider selling barrels that have had their day worth the hassle. One of the local scrap metal dealers who seeks out all the high grade and expensive metals will give me $45 for a barrel of around LV weight. Recently got rid of 8. Some BR barrels and some varmint rifle barrels for $400.
I was wondering what yall do with your old barrels. are you able to get a couple of bucks for them, just give them away or ...........

Sell them to Brady! He'll buy anything if you say..."Really man, I think this one would shoot good if you had it." Then...just name your price.
they make great legs for work tables and the hole is great for casters . You also get strange looks at the range when you take out four barrels --- until you put the casters in ad screw them into the top.
(@ WILBUR) if i remember to take them with me this year i will try that out. wish me luck :) hope yall are doing good
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After a few choice words and a temper tantrum Most of mine have grass growing around them, A couple of them made it all the way to the creek. A 100 years from now somebody's going to be metal detecting around my place and wonder what war went on here and what happened to the rest of the gun.
I havn't been at this too long or at least long enough to have many used barrels. But I did have four that were used up. I also build a couple of Hot Rods a year so my use for those used barrels is for Track Bars and Radious rods. Work great Chrome out nice or polish well too.



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with all "the usage" of old barrels being put on here i might be able to get $200 a piece :D
Had a friend who was one of the Aussie barrel makers. The coolant distribution pipe on his profiling machine was made from another manufacturer's old barrel with the trade mark stamp prominently displayed.