I currently shoot a 6-250 IMP 30 degree, 6BR, Win 284 and a 308 at LR in Fclass. I have a little case in 22 cal for coyotes that is a real pain to make cases for. I have shoot a ton of HBR with 308s and 30*47 and LV/HV with 6PPCs and 6BRs.
For my LR FO Win 284, I use WINCHESTER brass. Too cheap to buy Lapua 6.5*284, plus it may make the necks too thin after expanding (running tight necked 284 Win with a .312 NK) and the way I see it, once you do all the prep, does not matter much who's brass you start with??
I do all the prep work first ... ultrasonic clean, dry, trim to 2.160, cull shorter aside, light cut primer pockets, inside flash hole deburr only removing any lumps, FL resize (possible to lose some there too, not all always fit in the shell holder), anneal(easier to turn, coming up), mandrel up, outside neck turn to .0125, do another ultrasonic and dry, blowing out pockets and inside of cases with air compressor around 60 psi
to 300-600 cases, then weight sort em to the tenth and none get culled from this point. The few super light and heavies went into a test box of maybe 10-20 rounds. The large bell/population went into a lot (many boxes of 50 or 60) and that is what I shoot. Each box is still weight sorted, so you may have 15 cases at 204.2 then 7 at 204.3 etc. Most boxes are under .5g from case 1 to case 50 and a few boxes are within .2g, like 25 at 203.9 and 25 at 204.0
Does it make a difference??? DONTKNOW I think I did once test some cases from one extreme to the other in one of my guns, and yes, there was a POI change, but not much velocity change from what I remember. I have yet to test that test box of 10-20 284's either! Don't want to burn up my good barrel testing all the time

But I do use freshly prep'd brass at the big matches and load nightly in my room one or two boxes...
But what else are r u to do in Canada at -20 to -40 for two months, MAKE BRASS LOL.
Only problem, all that hand brass work over the years and over many wildcats, has given me issues with trigger finger(Trigger finger limits finger movement. When you try to straighten your finger, it will lock or catch before popping out straight.
Trigger finger is a condition that affects the tendons in your fingers or thumb.). Got it bad now in my thumb LOL. Even have to wear a brace now 24/7 for a few wks or until it gets better, which better happen since I'm heading to Sac for the AMCAN... plus, a word from the now wise, USE POWER TOOLS all you can, avoid excessive pressure on those fingers all you can!