We lost Gene Buckys Today!

Gene passed away this afternoon, losing his battle with Covid-19.

Please keep his family and friends in your prayers.

Pat Byrne, Gene and I, had a little rivalry going as to which of the three of us would get into the Bencrest Hall of Fame first, by the grace of God we all three were fortunate enough to all make it in. Gene beat us all to the Hall of our Lord Jesus Christ! Dwell in his glory for eternity my friend!

We are diminished,


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This is very sad news. I heard he was sick but had no idea how serious. My condolences to Saundra and the rest of his family.

Terrible News

All the Aussies will miss seeing him at WBC matches.

He was a great guy and a fantastic competitor.

Rob Carnell
Sydney, Australia
A great loss to the benchrest community.
I always looked forward to a chat with Gene at the various WBC's.
Condolences to the family and friends

Brendan Atkinson/Rhonda Wright
South Australia
One of the Best

I only met Gene a couple of times at the Blue Bonnet matches. He was a warm friendly guy and a pleasure to be around. He'll be much missed. The Benchrest community is diminished.
I am saddened by Genes death I didn't know him well but we spoke a number of times. My thoughts and prayers go out to Saundra and family.

Dan Honert
Such terrible news. I got to meet him for the first time at this years NBRSA group nationals. He had his bore scope out and I asked him if he could take a look at my bore and he said “sure bring it over”. I had a lot of questions for him, especially about rimfire, but regretfully didn’t ask because I didn’t want to bother him.

Condolences to his family and friends. He will be missed by many.


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What sad, sad news. I had not met Gene, but I have read about him many times for as long as I have been a member of NBRSA. He was an Icon in this sport.

This has been a difficult year for all of us.
Hard to imagine. I spoke with Gene by phone earlier this month and he seemed fine.

He will be missed.
I met Gene back in about 2000 when Curtis and I started SPF making benchrest actions. He was from Houston area at the time and was at almost all the shoots we went to. Gene was always a no bs kind of guy that would tell it like it is, but was always willing to give me advice and help if I asked. When Gene started rimfire, I got to know him much better. He worked with Wade at Shilen representing the company with Pokey and went to the few big shoots. I talked a lot with Gene about rimfire and we exchanged a lot of ideas and long conversations about how the equipment worked. I knew at that time if Gene got his equipment working he would be good. He knew how to read the wind and with a little time would excel in rimfire also. A few years back he led the pack after day one of the nationals and had a few bad targets on Sunday to cost him the win.

Gene could be a little rough around the edges, never minced words and had a strong belief in good principles and morals. I guess that is what I really liked the most about him. He was a great american and a conservative to the core. I will truly miss all the lively conversations, a few drinks in the lobby, good competitions and much more. RIP Gene, the world is a little less interesting without you in it.
Indeed sad to read

Met Gene a few times in St.Louis.

Fortunate enough to have a few short talks over a Molson Canadian. I know he brought a lot to the sport of Benchrest. He will truly be missed.

Condolences to his entire family. This year has been trying on a lot of families. I wish the best for everyone.

I hope it is okay but I just found this this morning. I thought it would be fitting to share.

The interview starts at about the 19 minute mark. Enjoy.


This picture kind of says it all... May he Rest In Peace and look down on us with a smile, and guide our bullets into the same hole. We lost a great friend, and he will always be in our thoughts.


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So sorry to read this news today.

Gene was a great guy, I had the pleasure of meeting him at the last few WBCs, he was so kind and a nice guy.

We will miss him, our thoughts go out to his family at this time.

Bruce, Tony & Emily Lenton