We are diminished

Many of you that have attended World Benchrest Titles over the years would have come into contact with Alan Peake. Alan was one of Australia's leading benchrest shooters (#11 in the Australian HOF), and was the guy who perfected (at the time) a computer scoring system for benchrest in this country. He shot for Australia at many WBC events between 1991 and 2001.

It is my sad duty to report that Alan passed away yesterday after a battle with cancer.

The benchrest group is indeed diminished.

Brendan Atkinson
Sadly missed

You cannot count the ways that Alan will be missed.
we are diminished with his passing.

Keith Smith
I have known "Piki" since 1993 when I met him the first time at WBC 2 in Finland. We have met in many different places around the word since 1993 and I have many great memories from our adventures! One event that comes to my mind was when I hunted rabbits with a .22 strapped into a seat that was bolted to Pikis neighbor "Dangerous Daves" old Land Rover front fender Piki sat on the roof pointing out rabbits with the spotlight while "Dagerous Dave" drowe like a mad-man across his farm fields. A great night that I´ll never forget

Another memory was when Piki spent a few days at my place here in Sweden back in 2002. He borrowed my Hart HV rifle using 68 gr FB bullets in a PPC and shot a two inch 10-shot group in the first realy at a 500 m match

Alan Peake was a great character, exeptional shooer and a good friend!

I´ll think of him and miss him every time I open a good bottle of Aussi red wine

Stefan Karlsson/Sweden