We are diminished once more

Pete Wass

Well-known member
It is with great sadness I report that Ernie Jenderko passed at 1:15 this morning. Ernie was a great friend and competitor and he has been missed and will be missed by many. Godspeed Ernie! There will be no services.

Pete Wass
Very sad, Ernie was great fun to shoot with.....came up to shoot with us several times. A fine competitor and great sense of humor.

Hi Pete.....As you know I spent a lot of time with Ernie. We had a lot of good laughs. I really enjoyed shooting with Ernie. He will be sorely missed. A sad day for sure. Doug
Hey Doug

Hi Pete.....As you know I spent a lot of time with Ernie. We had a lot of good laughs. I really enjoyed shooting with Ernie. He will be sorely missed. A sad day for sure. Doug

good to hear from you. Ernie's passing makes one think back to the good days of IR 50/50, when there were a lot more people shooting it. The old order changeth, yielding places for the New but, alas, there seems to be few new to replace the old. I know it has lost it's luster for me.
