WBC 2013 update

The problem with the rule isn't the 1 MOA penalty (per shot), it is that once the rifle is made safe, it should be permissable to use another rifle to complete the group. In fact, I've seen this more than once in sanctioned (I think) NBRSA matches, and have myself given a competitor my rifle and ammunition so he could finish. Might have been IBS, but I think it was NBRSA.

Are the rule for the world championships different?


The rules are not all that different. However there are some minor differences. They are based on the NBRSA rule book. http://www.world-benchrest.com/documents.php
Ian hasn't explained it 100%.........."You were not allowed to remove a rifle from the bench that had a stuck live round" and put it in the rack behind you, then grab another rifle from the same rack.

However another rifle could have been used. 1.) Have one on your bench 2.) Borrow your neighbours 3. Ask Range Officer for your backup rifle

I had two guns on my bench on several relays and infact used both of them several times.

If I had of been shooting next to Wayne I would of handed him my gun to finish his group no problem.

The problem with the rule isn't the 1 MOA penalty (per shot), it is that once the rifle is made safe, it should be permissable to use another rifle to complete the group. In fact, I've seen this more than once in sanctioned (I think) NBRSA matches, and have myself given a competitor my rifle and ammunition so he could finish. Might have been IBS, but I think it was NBRSA.

Are the rule for the world championships different?

From what I have been told this all happened in the last 30 seconds of Wayne's first record match of the day. Which doesn't leave much time for anything.......Ian