way off subject, travel to mexico?



i will be going to riverside, ca for my inlaws' family reunion in december of next year. is there anything worth seeing/doing in tijuana mexico? how about further south on the baja peninsula? just curious? is it dangerous?
When I was younger there was plenty to do there but times have changed. "Safe" is a relative term but the simple awnser is "No"!
You can,t pay me to go And never take anyone you love .
i will be going to riverside, ca for my inlaws' family reunion in december of next year. is there anything worth seeing/doing in tijuana mexico?

In a word- No. Not anymore.

how about further south on the baja peninsula? just curious? is it dangerous? thanks, kstockfo

Yes, it can be. Car jacking, kidnapping, murder, drive by shootings, take your pick. The State Department just recently issued another (Higher level) travel alert, just short I believe of an actual warning.

Years ago Tijuana was nice/fun (And may still be) as were Rosarito Beach and Ensenada, a lobster dinner in Puerto Nuevo. Tijuana was always milder/safer than Juarez, however, times have changed drastically.

"Recent Mexican army and police confrontations with drug cartels have resembled small-unit combat, with cartels employing automatic weapons and grenades," the advisory reads. "Large firefights have taken place in many towns and cities across Mexico but most recently in northern Mexico, including Tijuana, Chihuahua City and Ciudad Juarez."


If you went during daylight hours and stayed on the main drag you'd "Probably" be okay. If you drive be preparred for a several hour wait to get back across the border into the U.S.

My bottom line- There's absolutely nothing in Mexico I need that badly that would make me go anymore.


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Like everyone else says. Stay in Riverside.
There is a ton to do there. Drive up to Big Bear.
San Diego is an hour or so south. Drive to the Wild Animal Park on I-15.
You are an hour from L.A. Lots to do.

thanks for the input folks! i guess we'll stay in the US of A.
We have more mexicans in Kalifornia than mexico anyhow.
Be really careful driving anywhere in the LA area. I don't know where you are from but the traffic can be brutal. That is where the NASCAR guys go to learn how to draft:eek:
I am an accomplished commute traffic driver but the LA area will make you pay attention.
If you go up the coast to Hearst castle and that area, it is beautiful. If you have an extra day or so cruise up the coast.
Stay in the US. Too much goofy stuff going on down south. Stay in the tourist areas of the cities and watch where you go. Be aware of your surroundings and don't just go driving around without knowing the area. There are some dangerous areas to stay out of.
Your in laws will be able to fill you in.

During the 80's and early 90's I was "forced" to travel to mexico for company business (Corporate Pilot), and it was a cesspool, third world country then. I could fill a book with the corruption we encountered while trying to just get by on a daily basis, and yes, the water is not safe to drink. You could not take me back today at the point of a gun!
Thousands of people go to TJ everyday to shop. As well as farther down the coast. I have been there many times and never had a problem. All over Mexico, as a matter of fact. Take the train from downtown San Diego and walk across the border then take a cab downtown. Likewise, comming back. It will save you hours waiting in line with your car. I'd rather take my chances in TJ then in many parts of Los Angeles or Riverside counties.
Site to check www.osac.gov

Worked n the border in Laredo last year. Over in Nuevo Laredo the local drug cartels were contesting ownership of the city. The local police force was arrested and jailed by the Federales.

The drug cartels set up road blocks and hired ex-Mexican special forces operative to combat the Federales and were taunting them over the Federale radio channels, telling them what they were going to do to them....

Several decapitations occurred to make a point, in once instance a decapitated head was "bowled" down the aisle of a church....

Not much of this makes it into the US press, as it would negatively impact trade...

Good website to see what is going on in the city you plan to visit is "http://www.osac.gov/Reports/report.cfm?contentID=99288" This specific thread relates to Tijuana, but you can search for any city.

Of note the Mexican nationals who crossed the border into Laredo were fearful for their and their families lives over in Nuevo Laredo.

US was worried violence would spill over the boarder, and were gearing up to deal with it. The Mexican Nationals understood this, and only kidnapped a fellow National in one of their disputes, then took him back across the border to kill him...

If you check the www.osac.gov site for Mexico you will see the latest news, and it is not getting better, far worse by the sound of things, suggest potential travelers got there and check the latest facts and concerns to see what is really going on before planning any trips overseas :eek:
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Thousands of people go to TJ everyday to shop. As well as farther down the coast. I have been there many times and never had a problem. All over Mexico, as a matter of fact. Take the train from downtown San Diego and walk across the border then take a cab downtown. Likewise, comming back. It will save you hours waiting in line with your car. I'd rather take my chances in TJ then in many parts of Los Angeles or Riverside counties.

Odd risk assessment considering it will cost your family a whole lot more to get you out of Mexico than Kalifornia. But, you are smart to not take your car.
I have lived my whole life 160 miles and two stop lights north of Mexico. I have even traveled some in Mexico many years ago. It is a beautiful country with beautiful people but I would never go there today. There is corruption every where in Mexico. The police and the Federales are all corrupt. Every one of them. They live by the bribe. Poverty is everywhere.

People are fleeing Mexico to come to the U. S. not the other way around.

There is no law in Mexico. There is plenty to see here. Do not go to Mexico. It is dangerous and you have no protection at all.

Concho Bill

What Bill Wynne said + 3 stoplights. I quit going to Mexico years ago. We used to drive down to Presa(lake) Don Martin every few years to go bass fishing, but the last time we went we saw a federale point a .45 into the window of a car ahead of us at the interior checkpoint and nearly shoot a guy. When we pulled up for our inspection and he saw we had all fishing gear and we gave him a case of beer so he wouldn't make us unpack it all, we got to visiting and we asked him what the ruckus was in the car ahead of us and he said" aw, he called me a s.o.b. and I was going to shoot him but I thought of all the paperwork I would have to do so we just threw him in jail! On the way out of Mexico(Allende,Mexico) we came into a town square and there were about 200 regular Mexican army with machine guns blocking off the town square. I asked a passerby what was happening and he said "they are either putting gold in the bank or taking it out". We usually drove to Del Rio to get out of Mexico but after that we looked at a map and turned right and left through Eagle Pass! That was my last drive into/out of Mexico and they can keep the place!

Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"

I know a lot of Mexican Americans, as friends and in business. (This is Houston).

They would say, "stay away from Mexico"........jackie
If you are into cars there is two great museums down in that area. The NHRA hot rod museum is in Pomona and the Peterson automobile museum is in LA.
Both are worth the drive.
Do not go. Live 60 miles north of San Diego. Dangerous and unsafe in Mexico. Anybody who says different is wrong. Jackie is right even Mexicans will tell you not to go.
I would say your all over reacting. Tj for Americans during the day is as safe as anywhere I've ever been. I lived in San Diego for 25 years and seldom if ever heard of anyone having a problem there in downtown TJ. Maybe way down south in Baha, but not in TJ.
I would say your all over reacting. Tj for Americans during the day is as safe as anywhere I've ever been. I lived in San Diego for 25 years and seldom if ever heard of anyone having a problem there in downtown TJ. Maybe way down south in Baha, but not in TJ.

Soooo, how often have you been going down to TJ?

