Wax on, Wax off


I’ve recently started shooting eley club, 4 hundred rounds so far, what I’ve noticed is a lot of waxy residue in the chamber and down the barrel.
I’m thinking of using WD40 just to breakup the wax.
Is it safe to use and has anyone tried it?

How about a nylon brush and some pure turpentine to start, then turpentine on patches. Sure couldn't hurt anything, and would likely take out the wax.

I've always heard that WD-40 plus powder residue = big gummy mess.
I’ve been using alcohol, denatured that is, with good results but I’m running out.
So down in the garage I found the WD40 and thought to give it a try.
But, as far as you know, will the WD do any harm to the barrel?
After de-waxing I would, of course, finish up with solvent and oiling.

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Might I inquire why you use a water displacement agent for wax removal ?
Maybe, this is why they developed citrus based rimfire solvents .
Buy ya some Patch out

and you won't ever have to look back. Unlike a lot of others who seem to be AR, I report on whatever I find that works. It's been a long road because of the AR folks but the Sharpshooter Supply folks sure seem to have the gun cleanin chemical thing figured out.

Fellows, I appreciate all the input. It seems nobody recommends the WD.
I’m heading down to the local pharmacy to get some more alcohol, as I have found, it cuts the wax very well.
I’ve been using “ Tetra Gun” solvent, for regular cleaning, it was recommended by my local gun shop, its always done a good job for me.
The thing is I didn’t want to use a lot of the Tetra just to get the wax out first.

Lots of things work, marginally

Hoppes #9 still gets the job done

1. without a borescope, it's next to impossible to know if one has their barrel clean.

2. some stuff works a lot better than others.

3. don't wear your barrel out with the cleaning rod. Get ya something that works fast.

4. It's a lot easier to duplicate something one knows for sure, like thoroughly clean vs half or more dirty.

5. Throat carbon is a bigger enemy than wax.

6. Lead, if your barrel attracts it, and many do, is the biggest enemy of all.

7. yes, there is an excellent, fast acting , liquid lead remover.

the advice is worth what it costs to someone.
