Wawarsing BR 2015

Bill B

New member
Due to travel plans and other commitments, I won't be able to run IR50/50 matches this year at the Wawarsing Rod and Gun Club in Wawarsing NY. So far, no one else from the club has stepped forward to volunteer to run these matches. It doesn't look good for sanctioned BR rimfire matches at Wawarsing Rod and Gun Club for this year. Sorry to disappoint our regular shooters. If someone steps forward to run our matches this year, I will let everyone know.
Thanks for the time and energy you spent as Match Director at Wawarsing. It is greatly appreciated.
Hopefully someone will pick up the job.

It was my pleasure Mike. Wawarsing is a great place to shoot. Unfortunately, I am the last club member still shooting sanctioned benchrest matches. I knew it was very likely over for BR at Wawarsing whenever I decided to move on. I've learned that, for me, it's best to diversify and spend time on my other interests. I'll still shoot some events as my schedule allows. Wawarsing is trying to recruit someone to take over IR50/50 rather than let it drop, however, I am not too optimistic that they will find someone willing. Hope to see you at some of the matches that I will be able to make this season, - Bill
Though I don't shoot RF BR anymore, I'm sad to hear that the range where I shot my first BR match back in 2002 is in danger of not hosting matches. Wawarsing's a great range and was one of my favorites of the 9 clubs we had in the NE back then. I'd hate to see it go the way of Liverpool, Canastota, Pinnacle Mtn and Holbrook...
Hope to see you at Salem for a match or two this year,
There are all too many ranges in this situation

Very often, one person holds the whole thing together. It's interesting that others do not see that if they want to shoot, at some point they need to step up and either HELP or take over. This situation is not exclusive to RF. I have seen it happen over the years at a number of venues in various disciplines. It's a shame, to say the least. I recently moved my residence to be able to continue running matches because I had a two hour commute each way to do them. The matches weren't the only reason the move made sense but if I hadn't been involved with running matches, I wouldn't have moved. It takes commitment to keep things running and someone has to commit. One person can not be expected to run things forever.

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Though I don't shoot RF BR anymore, I'm sad to hear that the range where I shot my first BR match back in 2002 is in danger of not hosting matches. Wawarsing's a great range and was one of my favorites of the 9 clubs we had in the NE back then. I'd hate to see it go the way of Liverpool, Canastota, Pinnacle Mtn and Holbrook...
Hope to see you at Salem for a match or two this year,

Todd, you started shooting with us at our unsanctioned matches, and those are still being held at Wawarsing. The people who run and shoot at these "barnyard" matches apparently have no interest in also running or shooting at the sanctioned matches. It is sad to see Wawarsing go away from holding the sanctioned matches. I remember when you showed up to our informal matches (with your 10/22), then we transitioned to ARA matches, and finally to our IR50/50 matches. But when any club comes down to one active member engaging in and also running matches, well, it just becomes a matter of time, doesn't it. Maybe someone will rise out of the informal matches and want to challenge themselves with a harder target and start up either ARA or IR50/50 again. After all, that's how we did it.

I do plan on making a few of the matches around the area, when I have no other conflicts. I still love rimfire BR it's, just a lower priority now.
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Due to travel plans and other commitments, I won't be able to run IR50/50 matches this year at the Wawarsing Rod and Gun Club in Wawarsing NY. So far, no one else from the club has stepped forward to volunteer to run these matches. It doesn't look good for sanctioned BR rimfire matches at Wawarsing Rod and Gun Club for this year. Sorry to disappoint our regular shooters. If someone steps forward to run our matches this year, I will let everyone know.

Hey Bill,

My name is Tom. I'm a WRGC member and was wondering what it takes to run the matches- time, knowledge, money? I have zero experience with matches. I just play around with targets. If you go to the dinners we may have met. We usually do the Eggplant Parmigiana in February.

My 19 year old hunts and is also a member of WRGC so I would see if he had any interest too. He's already a volunteer fireman so he does have some appreciation for giving back and may be interested if I tell him its going to die off otherwise.

I'm also the president of Ulster County Friends of the Constitution and along with South Side Rod and Gun we do a Family Day at the Range. It's a full day event once a year (our 2nd year) that starts with a safety course, introduction to different types firearms, lunch, and then live fire. It's all free because the main goal is to introduce new faces to the sport.

I already help out at the Trap Houses at WRGC too. If you think it's something you'd have time to teach and would be interested I will try my best to keep it alive. Once I get it down I may be able to incorporate into a WRGC Family Day at the Range with the boards permission.

Hi Tom,

Wawarsing is once again holding matches. Bob Griffin joined the club and has been running the matches for this year. Bob also runs the matches at the Wallkill Club. If you are interested in possibly running the matches in the future or just interested in 22 rimfire benchrest, I would encourage you and your son to attend our next match on Sat. August 1st. It would be great to have another club member attend. Bring whatever .22 you have and we'll find a class that it can compete in. We'll even feed you. Keep checking this forum for shoot announcements, or check the club newsletter and you can also check out this link for the shooting schedule.


Hope to see you August 1st. - Bill