Water On Mars

They said the soil was just like 'backyard dirt' !!!!! This means the Martians must like dogs too !!!!
Boy............................................... ...................

I sure hope they don't find any caribou up there, vinvanb will want to turn it into a state park!!:eek::eek::eek:
How much money

did the tax payers spend on this one?????
The temperature on Mars is a lot lower than Earth, and the pressure is also significantly lower ( about 1% of earth ). The pressure is so low that water would boil away. Water on Mars begins to boil at 10 degrees C and freeze at around 0, so the margin is roughly 0 for liquid to exist.
Waste of Time

Never has so much money been spent in finding out so little.
I just love one "jounalist" observation on MSNBC.
He stated, "Venus is much hotter than the Earth, and Mars is much colder. Could this be where Earth is headed if mankind continues it's ways".
Duh!!! Venus is much closer to the Sun, and Mars much farther away. Do you think that might have SOMETHING to do with their surface conditions??

They have to say something to the citizens of our country to justify the existence of NASA. There is actually people who believe that the Billions of dollars spent on that program each year are money well spent. We can afford NASA but can't afford to provide a means of reliable, cheap energy?????
we are currently spending about 2.8 billion a day on oil in this country. I don't want to multiply that by 365. I just don't want to know.

I can't help it.......One trillion a year. It's not that much if you say it real fast.
I'm surprised Mr. D, I figured you folks in the republic of California just had to face north and real quick like make a sharp left turn and there you are. The pacific ocean. Or did I miss the news that it had dried up?
They have to say something to the citizens of our country to justify the existence of NASA. There is actually people who believe that the Billions of dollars spent on that program each year are money well spent. We can afford NASA but can't afford to provide a means of reliable, cheap energy?????

I don't consider a few billion dollars to rearrange sand on Mars as wastefull as hundreds of billons to rearrange sand in Afghanastan or Iraq. Has anyone found anything as useful as water in either of those places?
Iraq and Afghanistan are a much more convenient place to piss away tax payer dollars. We don't have big enough rockets to possibly push that much money to Mars.
I'm surprised Mr. D, I figured you folks in the republic of California just had to face north and real quick like make a sharp left turn and there you are. The pacific ocean. Or did I miss the news that it had dried up?

It hasn't dried but it's been contaminated with salt. Studies show that's the result of Californians washing Margarita glasses several times a day.