Vonarens (sp) tuner

Just bought a benchrest rf with a Vonarens tuner..

Any comments or advise about this would be appreciated.


Jerry, the Von Ahrens (sp) tuners are as good as any for rimfire. Back a few years ago they were fairly popular.

If it will tune your rifle or not depends on many things unrelated to the tuner itself. In others words, if your rifle is tunable the Von Ahrens will do it's part.

Tuning in general, and particularly in rimfire, is a very controversial topic. Some believe, some don't.

Rimfire is very challenging, that is it's appeal. If you are getting into rimfire you will have to shoot your PPC every once in awhile to keep your sanity.

Hope to see you at a match soon.

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I thought it interesting

someone reported here and showed pictures of a 3.3 OZ tuner he tunes his two Rimfire barrels with. I have always wondered if less might be more when it comes to tuners. A Von Ahrens gives one that option, or close to it. I sold the one I had last fall to a friend who wanted a heavy tuner for the real heavy barrel he had.

I have seen a few skinnied down Harrel's over the years that seemed to work well.

Thanks guys. I’m new to a Von arens tuner. I’ve spent a lot of time with centerfire tuners. Matter of fact I guess I was the first to shoot a centerfire tuner in an entire season. Scott “Fudd” Hamilton and I designed a centerfire tuner and I shot it all through NBRSA in 2006. IBS had not approved tuners but in 2006 they passed a rule to allow tuners as long as it fit inside the size of a HV barrel.

Jim Borden and I designed an iBS tuner. Biggest problem was it being about 7” long adjusting it would sometimes move the POI as much as 1” at 100.

Now many top shooters use a tuner. I don’t.

Tuning a rimfire will be interesting.

Thanks again.
It ‘s not real bad, do a couple searches for the Hopewell method so you’re not flying blind.
Just wait for a decent day so you’re not fighting conditions while trying to tune.
Ok here it is

1. Set you tuner to "0" and fire two shots.
Turn tuner one complete revolution (25 clicks) and fire two shots, continue this until you reach "100".
You now have a 10 shot group, all shot at the same POA.
2. Repeat step one from "100" to "200"
3. Repeat Step one from "200" to "300".
4. Repeat Step one from "300" to "400"
5. Repeat Step one from "400" to "500".

You now have five 10-shot groups. One of the 10-shot groups will show the smallest vertical stringing.
You should have used only 50 rounds so far.
Let's say that you find that the "200" to "300" group shows the least vertical stringing.
6. Starting at "200", shoot 2 five shot groups. Shift to a different POA for each group.
7. Repeat at "225", "250", "275" and "300"
8. One of these settings will show a decrease in group size.
Example: "250" showed the smallest group.
9. Now, start at "245" and shoot a five shot group at 245, 247, 249, 251, 253 and 255.
You will locate the "sweet" spot of your rifle barrel.
10. If you have any doubts, start over at Step #6, and redo the testing.

This is also known as "The Hopewell Method"
These numbers reference the more common Hoehn/Harrels tuner, but you get the idea.
You can save ammo by moving in or out from the midpoint if your barrel is somewhere in the .875”-.900” diameter, basically 50 clicks either side of 200 on the Hoehn, without the need to go through as much ammo.
I finally tuned my Shilen yesterday

I fitted a new Shilen to my Myers last fall and slipped the Harrels' back on it and it seemed to shoot OK where it was set so I didn't mess with it.

After the last match I shot it in, I realized the rifle was out of tune so yesterday I went to the range to see if I could figger anything out. After going through the range of numbers by one turn,or 25 numbers at a turn, I found the smallest hole @ 25 or one turn off zero. I have found this before and think the other barrel (an identical Shilen) may have been in tune @ zero. Time will tell. The next match is the first Sunday of March, then only one more month until The Crawfish and my departure North.

A box and a half of ammo was all I used.

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