von Ahrens tuner... part II

I have a Harrel or Hoehn whatever you call it. It's no better than the old big hunk of steel we used to use, just easier to adjust and it does the job. I can't see this one being any different, just harder to adjust. I think I'll stick with the Harrel until this one starts showing up in all the winners circles. Just so much you can do with a tuner.
Not sure if I'm up to throwing anything quite that far!! :eek: but there's always the the US Postal Service. :p

Joe Friedrich,
Joe thanks for taking the time to try it out. I'd be interested in what you find out about the slider on this unit. Keep me posted ok.

B. Harvey,
Brian, no problem, I just hope that rifle keeps on keepin on like she's been doing lately.

Peter Armstrong,
yupper I have an adapter to use anything you can screw onto a Harrell's tuner. And there no problem just getting the tuner/bloop tube and the adapter. That's one of the reasons I used the same weight kit. Trying to save some cash for the folks who bought my weight kit in the past.

Well that could be, I didn't do the math to find out what all the combinations could be. But my tuner adjuster has a range of 150 "clicks" as where all use to saying. Mine doesn't click, it has a setscrew you can lock the ring in place with. I found it's actually easier to get intune then with other devices I've used. Set the ring in the middle, start adding weight, the groups will usually start off big then get better as you add more weight, then open up again. Go back to where it was the best by just adding weight and then fine tune with the ring.

steve b.,
Thank you for trying it out, looking forward to hearing what else you find out!

It uses the clamp system, though the Chinese Finger Arrangement sounds like fun to design! using the clamp system, it can go up to a 1.00" barrel. I can make them with out the clamp and then glued onto a much larger barrel. I haven't tried this unit on a center fire yet, could be an interesting experiment. Now where could I find someone with a good shooting CF willing to try this out??? hmmmmmmmmm :p

A fair question for sure, and time will tell now won't it. But from what I've heard so far from my testers, their liking it.

Fred J,
Well the ruff tuning can be done down to 1/2 oz weights, then the fine tuning with the ring.

Tis true tuned is tuned.

Fair enough.


I have a Harrel or Hoehn whatever you call it. It's no better than the old big hunk of steel we used to use, just easier to adjust and it does the job. I can't see this one being any different, just harder to adjust. I think I'll stick with the Harrel until this one starts showing up in all the winners circles. Just so much you can do with a tuner.

After spending a VERY long time with a Harrel/Hoehn, I was never able to get my rifle to shoot like this. So, in my case, it is far better!
My RVA tuner arrived today. Beautiful piece of work. I'll try to test tomorrow.

Bye now...Wilton Boudoin
Just put a second on that Bartline GT barrel, and the initial results look promising.

Thanks Roger..!

Here's some perspective.

My best 10 matches I averaged 738.9 per agg, or averaged 246.3 per target.
My best 3 matches gave an average of 743.6 per agg, or 247.8 per target.

My first 3 matches (I've only had the tuner a little over a month) and my average is 748 per agg, or 249.3 per target.

With my previous best (3 match results ever) compared to my current, I am 1.5 points better per target, or 4.5 points better per 3 target agg.

My previous best 10 matches gave an X count of 38.3 per agg.
My 3 best had an average of 14.6 X's per target.

My average X count for the last 3 matches is 17.1
Or 2.5 X's better per target.

The best comparison is between my first three matches with Roger's new tuner, and my last 3 matches with the rifle in it's best shooting tune before the new tuner, with shooting the same lot of ammo. If you did that, the difference is even greater since my last 3 matches with the previous tuner did NOT produce good aggs.

How much would you give for an improvement of 1.5 points, and 2.5 X's per target?

In over a year with this rifle, I had only shot a single 250 in a match.
In the last month I have shot five 250's.
No comparison!
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Great Tuner

I have the new VonAhrens tuner and I like it. It is working much better than the previous unit. My current rifle likes the lighter weight, and is much easier to find a quick tune.

I shot my first unlimited 50/50 match Sunday and my third target was a 250-14x. I only shot a couple of practice targets before goint to the match.

I can bore the clamp section for you with out any problem. And I do have a few left in stock. So I can get one shipped for you the next day after receipt of order. I'm going to be starting another run of them next week.


I think this is a very interesting concept. Brian Harvey and I have talked by email, and he has had astonishing results with his rifle and tuner set up. Brian has spent a lot of time and effort with tuning. I'm always looking for a better mouse trap, nothing is ever 'good enough", and I sure am interested in trying one of your tuners and weight systems.
Like I said Brian has had measurable results and it's hard(or foolish on my part) to overlook such positive results. Keep up the good work.

Got my new tuner saturday played with it sunday and played with it today think we got it close 2 250's with 19x and haven't moved the collar yet.
And thanks to my little cuz Brian Harvey

Bradley Moore

After over sleeping (power failure)and not being able to attend the Ga. State IR 50/50 shoot, I decided to try my new RvA Tuner. It took about 25 min's and I knew that I had the tune. Easy, simple and very effective! Shot 4 targets, 250-18X on a IR 50/50 target, then 3 ARA target, 2350, 2250 and a 2400. I believe I'll leave it alone for a bit and then play with it some more later on. Thanks to Roger for making a fine Tuner and thanks to Allan Hall for boring the tuner to fit my barrel. See ya'll on the Line!:p
Steve, looks like your previously tuned rifle is tuned a little better.

Thanks for the offer but I'll pass, already have some toadie frogs down to the creek. No, all my tuners are Harrells and decided to try RvA's. Got's to admit it's a gem. I look forward to shooting with it, to finish out the season.
B. Harvey

Yes, it is! I was really surprised to see it performing better than it was. I actully have less weight up forward and the gun is shooting better than before. I believe that I have found the weight that the barrel called for. I have always wondered if more weight was better, now I know you really need to find the weight that the barrel prefers.:p
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Fiddler, it's a racin' frog now! $6 is big money in therse here parts too!;)

Glad your tuner is working. I'm wondering if you move the focus ring a bit, does it shoot just as well. I've found that if I can move 10 clicks on either side of the set point on a Harrel and it shoots well, it'll be more consisent from day to day and in different temps, and different states too.

I've still got some testing to do with the tuner, I'll let you know what I find out. Let's see, one racing frog huh! Maybe 3 racing frogs, 2 geegaw's and a few s--twillies thrown in to boot + $6.:D
I'll tell you how I have done with mine. Got it from Roger last Thursday and made it the same weight as the Harrell that came off the rifle. (15.5 oz) Tried the fine tuner at 0, 1/2,1,1-1/2, 2, 2-1/2 and 3 turns on Friday morning. (Roger says there are six turns available) All done with the ammo the rifle likes best. Settled on 2-1/2 and locked it down. Tossed rifle in the car and headed for Factoryville for the Saturday ARA match. Shot 4 cards, came in second overall. Drove home, rested yesterday. This morning I "fine tuned" it with slow, mid and fast ammo. End result I locked it down at 2 3/4 turns of the fine tuner. Initial test took all of 30 shots and this morning maybe another 30. While I had an idea of where to start never have I tuned one that quick! bob finger
Bob, can I ask what length and diameter barrel you are using. Your weight of 15.5 ozs total is about where I am with a 21” Lilja – just wondering if I need to add some more.

Brian: Remington taper, about 27 inches long. If you think you need more weight put some more on and test. No other way to find out what your rifle likes. bob finger