VFS Match Titusville, Fl.

Fla mac

New member
OK you BR shooter a good way to get out of the house. Titusville Rifle and Pistol Club is having a VFS match Dec. 26, 2010 starting at 09:00, 200/100yds. Bring a lunch. 50% pay back.
Take I-95 to EX223, (SR46) and go West 4.5 miles. Turn South on Hatbill Road continue 1/2 mile and turn left on Gun Club Ln.

http://www.titusvillegun.com/ click on SEE MAP FOR DETAILS.

Mims, Fl.
every shot is a sighted shot.
L. All shots must impact the berm without
skipping off ground.
M. QUESTIONS? Please see the RSO on duty.

Pete, note K and L of their rules!!
every shot is a sighted shot.
L. All shots must impact the berm without
skipping off ground.
M. QUESTIONS? Please see the RSO on duty.

Pete, note K and L of their rules!!

Yes, the ranges in Florida are WAAAAY ahead of most other areas, from what I have seen. I think a big reason for it is all the Billboards here with Lawyer's faces on them. It appears to me that the NRA is aspousing a more rigid set of safety rules here. I think all the ranges I have visited use the NRA SOP and truly use it. I don't understand why they don't seem to encourage it up our way.
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When we open our range it is open to the public as will as members of the club. We need safety rules so we can stay open and we try to be good to your neighbors. There are too many ranges being shut down because someone was not thinking. The general public wants to shoot the way they see it done in the movies or on TV. You know “Rambo style”. We would not be open very long if we let this happen.
Proud of what we have.
Mims, Fl.
When we open our range it is open to the public as will as members of the club. We need safety rules so we can stay open and we try to be good to your neighbors. There are too many ranges being shut down because someone was not thinking. The general public wants to shoot the way they see it done in the movies or on TV. You know “Rambo style”. We would not be open very long if we let this happen.
Proud of what we have.
Mims, Fl.


I understand and agree fully with the way ranges in Florida are run. We have the same problems all over the US. We have them in Maine as well but our Home Club has been reluctant to institute tougher rules even though we have had problems. We get the same type of folks who want to be Rambo for a half hour or until their ammo is gone. That was what I was sort of saying to Greg. While in Florida last winter I took the NRA Range Safety Officer Course and became certified so I am on board.

hey john,
i ll see u ther, last time we shot 2 gether what ther wer
9 shooters, great turn out . hope ther will b more
this com n week nd.
Hot off the press. Just completed the Titusville Rifle and Pistol Club 100/200 yd VFS club match for Dec. We had 6 brave shooters come out to challenge the 25 to 30 miles per hour winds. 100yds was won by Buddy Ross with a 250/14. Buddy was the only one to stay clean on 100. 200yd was taken by Steve Huff with a 248/5. Over all Agg went to Steve Huff with 497/20. Hope everyone had fun.
Mims, Fl.
Titusville Rifle and Pistol Club
Name /200 yd
Steve Huff -- 46/0, 49/0, 50/4, 50/0, 50/1, 49/0, 248/5-- 1
George Pariso-- 48/0, 50/1, 40/1, 46/1, 48/0, 49/2, 233/5-- 5
J McCorquodale-- 50/0, 50/4, 48/0, 46/1, 50/3, 48/1, 242/9-- 2
Buddy Ross-- 46/0, 49/1, 45/3, 50/1, 47/0, 47/0, 238/5-- 4
Val Valentine-- 0, 49/1, 41/0, 47/0, 47/1, 48/0, 232/2-- 6
Lynn Moss-- 0, 48/2, 49/3, 49/1, 48/2, 48/0, 242/8-- 3

100 yd no WU target shot
Steve Huff-- 50/4, 50/4, 50/2, 49/1, 50/4, 249/15-- 2
George Pariso-- 50/2, 49/2, 50/1, 50/4, 50/5, 249/14-- 3
J McCorquodale-- 48/2, 50/1, 50/1, 50/2, 50/1, 248/7-- 4
Buddy Ross-- 50/3, 50/3, 50/3, 50/3, 50/2, 250/14-- 1
Val Valentine-- 48/2, 47/0, 49/2, 49/1, 48/1, 241/6-- 5
Name 200 yd 100 yd Agg
Steve Huff-- 248-5, 249-15, 497-20-- 1
George Pariso-- 233-5, 249-14, 482-19-- 4
J McCorquodale-- 242-9, 248-7, 490-16-- 2
Buddy Ross-- 238-5, 250-14, 488-19-- 3
Val Valentine-- 232-2, 241-6, 473-8-- 5
Lynn Moss-- 242-8 --------- ---------- 6
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Pete was not able to make it. We had about 4 no shows. I know it was not the weather Ha-Ha.
Mims, Fl.
Pete was not able to make it. We had about 4 no shows. I know it was not the weather Ha-Ha.
Mims, Fl.

Sorry I couldn't come, my alarm clocks battery decided to quit.:eek: We woke up about 7:30with the alarm trying to work but was sort of ratteling. I guess I could have come down to shoot at 100 but Ms J wanted to shop today so I opted to do that. Mebby next month :D
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Sorry I couldn't come, my alarm clocks battery decided to quit.:eek: We woke up about 7:30with the alarm trying to work but was sort of ratteling.

You need an alarm clock to wake up for a shootl Pete? i almost always wake up a couple hours early. I do remember one day I was awoken by a phone call from Eddy Harren at 8:30 asking where I was as there was a line of people to reqister. But normally I am up before the alarm.

You need an alarm clock to wake up for a shootl Pete? i almost always wake up a couple hours early. I do remember one day I was awoken by a phone call from Eddy Harren at 8:30 asking where I was as there was a line of people to reqister. But normally I am up before the alarm.


The bed in this place is soooo comfortable, we don't want to get out of it. I often awake early from my back being stiff and hurting but not here :). At home, I sleep around 6 hours but here, 8 and more some days. Guess I'm getting too comfortable, eh?

At home I often wake up before the alarm goes off as well but this bed - - - - - - - -!