Very important to me.....

Dave S

NRA Benefactor Member
If this is inappropriate, please remove....

On August 18, 1987, my brother, Trooper Jeff Young, stopped a drug runner on I-75 in Manatee County, Florida. A fight ensued and Daniel Burns got my brothers weapon away from him and shot him, point blank in the face killing him. Burns was tried, convicted and sentenced to Death in 1988. He was re-sentenced to death again in 1989. Since 1989, Burns has sat on death row, milking the legal appeals system. My daughter has started a petition, to Gov. Crist, to expedite the execution of Burns. I am putting the link at the bottom of this thread. I would appreciate it if you would read it and sign it if you will and pass it on to whoever you can..

Thank you..

Dave Smith
Dave . . .

I was signer #983.

Hope the numbers get much larger.


I understand your desire for justice. Personally, I think people should get what they give. In other words, I think this guy should be shot in the face.
And I hate the way these guys just lay around on death row for years, although I suppose that's a punishment in itself. But I have a question. I would be glad to sign your petition, but will Florida pay any attention to an out of state name?
I would like to thank everybody who has signed the petition thus far..Your support has been overwhelming to our family.. I will post again with any updates..

