Velocity for Accuracy



What velocity do I want for maximum accuracy from a. 224 FBHP bullet? Cartridge is a. 22-250. Barrel is 1-14" twist. What have you found to be the velocity that is most accurate?
not a simple a min people would need the bbl lenght, and then is the gun bedded, good trigger, good crown.....
what weight bullet ???
mike in co
What velocity do I want for maximum accuracy from a. 224 FBHP bullet? Cartridge is a. 22-250. Barrel is 1-14" twist. What have you found to be the velocity that is most accurate?
OK, the barrel is 28", the gun is bedded, good double set trigger, good crown, match barrel. It is a damned accurate custom varminter. Shoots .250" groups.
Forgot to specify bullet weight. 52 grains Fowler, Berger, Shilen. Except for bullet weight, I don't see what the trigger, bedding, or crown have to do with velocity. Accuracy yes, but velocity?
I have noticed that temperature affects my group size a great deal. That means pressure and velocity, of course. I'm just wondering if there is a desired velocity I should be working toward, no matter what load I am using.
It's been 30 years... but back then I found fairly hot loads (max loads in Hornady) shot the most accurate in a 22-250... that happened to coincide with higher velocities...

It isn't a specific velocity I would be aiming for, way too many variables to be meaningful.
I have worked up a load in my Browning using 52 gr Bergers at 3700 fps. Shoots quarter size groups.
I know this as I Chrono every shot and record the temperature of the shots.
Working up an accurate load is dependent upon many varibles each different in different rifles.
Working up a fast load, without accuracy concerns, just requires adding more powder.
Loading manuals with tested velocities for specific powders is the SAFE way to go. Always start 5-10% lower than maximum loads listed and work up slowly.
Safety first.
I have been very lucky with my varmint rifles. With factory barrels, they have given me what I needed, without much work, although quarter inch groups seem to be beyond their capability.

Getting back to your fine rifle, if you want to know if the deterioration of group size is due to an increase in velocity caused by their being shot on a hotter day, why not do a little investigation, under those conditions, by doing some loading at the range, while shooting over your chronograph? That should tell you what you want to know.

In my experience, accuracy tends to occur in tuning nodes that are separated by wider zones where there is less accuracy. For fast varmint cartridges, going up to the next node may not be practical fro a couple of reasons. The required increase in pressure may be too much, and even if the pressure is workable, jacket fouling may increase to the point that it becomes a problem. One way to get a rough idea about the spacing of these nodes is to drop down until you hit the one that is just below the one that you are currently enjoying. The difference in velocity and powder charge should give you some idea of how far you might have to go up to get to the next one above.

A good friend used to work up his loads, that would be used on a trip to shoot prairie dogs in the heat of summer, during the winter. It took him a while to recognize that the problems that he had were because of the temperature difference, and that working up loads under conditions that were significantly different than those that they would be shot in was a waste of time. After that he made sure to work up his loads under the same conditions that they would be shot, and his problems disappeared.

If you are getting quarter inch groups from a .22-250, you already know what velocity your rifle likes. At what velocity did that accuracy occur?
Lots to think about here. My best groups have seemed to come about 3500 fps at 53 degrees F. At 90 deg., they open up to about half-inch. I have not chrono'ed them at that temp. In my rifle, velocities faster than 3500 fps have not increased accuracy. Being the cautious type, I have not tried going up to the next node. I also was not aware of the node theory(?). I have not seen any signs of pressure, so maybe I can experiment with higher velocities.

Unfortunately, my age no longer allows me to tote my reloading stuff to the range. I used to be able to do it, but sadly no more.
while it is probably just a temp/velocity issue..have you checked to make sure the bbl is free floated at the higher temp days ??
and the rest is about whether or not the rifle had the potential to get sounds like a solid many rounds thru the bbl ??
mike in co
I know there are many issues in determining a good load in any particular rifle. I was just wondering if there is a particular velocity that is best for a. 224 FBHP bullet in a 1-14" barrel. I guess the answer is: If there is, it has not been determined yet. But not to worry, I will keep on experimenting until I find out. As they say, It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it. Thanks, y'all!
Hot shot accuracy

Having run a 220 swift for a few years I have found that even when a velocity had been found that produced good accuracy it didn't last for long. The swift and I can imagine the 22/250 being similar burns out the tube so quickly that by the time you have found a velocity that hits a node that works 300 rounds later you will be retuning again. I only managed to get 900 to 1000 rounds out of a shillen select match barrel before it was trashed. If it was on a BR rifle probably 600 rounds.

If yopur getting .25's out of it at the moment don't waste the barrel testing. Just serve it to the varmints until it goes sour.
What powders does the 220 Russian like? Is it as accurate as a 22 PPC?
I think you already have a decent fall load for now you have to experiment and get a summer or hot weather load.
Best accuracy isn't always at the top of the load charts. Try working up loads with a few different powders.
The 22/250 is a good case but for consistant accuracy many believe that the small cases are better from day to day and larger temperature spreads Remember that your actually flying the bullets.
try jbm balistic to see how stable your loads would be with different bullets. In the long run it will save you both money and time, My favorite powder has been H 4895 and IMR 4895, one that also works is H380..
22-250, basically a field rifle.
My chuck huntin' buddy and I shot 55gr Sierra game kings( boattails) for many years in the 3600fps range with both H4895 and IMR 4064 using factory Rem 700 varmint specials .Plenty accurate,no pressure/brass problems. The H380 ball powder loads would pressure spike "right up" with cartridge boxes laying out in the summer sun. Live and learn.
22-250 has good barrel life with a sporting "head hunter" existance. Extensive paper target shooting(hot barrels) will eat 'em right up.Flat bases were good inside 300yds but pretty lame out to 600.
A round is a round

22-250, basically a field rifle.
My chuck huntin' buddy and I shot 55gr Sierra game kings( boattails) for many years in the 3600fps range with both H4895 and IMR 4064 using factory Rem 700 varmint specials .Plenty accurate,no pressure/brass problems. The H380 ball powder loads would pressure spike "right up" with cartridge boxes laying out in the summer sun. Live and learn.
22-250 has good barrel life with a sporting "head hunter" existance. Extensive paper target shooting(hot barrels) will eat 'em right up.Flat bases were good inside 300yds but pretty lame out to 600.

I have to agree with Nader on this one. Irrespective of whether you shoot mostly in the field or testing at the range a round is a round and the hot shots will make you pay. My mate and I gave up on the 22 hot shots because the barrels lasted for about 900 rounds. I had a 220 swift he had the 22/250 and neither of us could keep barrels up to them. Different makes different powders didn't matter. If it's shooting in the
2's go out and tune up the varmints while it lasts.
Look up H380. This is the Classic 22-250 load at 38 grains.
Yes it is also Nader isn't talking hot loads at 3600 The 22/250 will go way faster especially tody with some of the newer powders.
Its very close to the swift for velocity. The problems are barrel burn and deteriated accuracy at those velocitys. 3500 to 3600 seems to be about right for the 22/250 .