What velocity do I want for maximum accuracy from a. 224 FBHP bullet? Cartridge is a. 22-250. Barrel is 1-14" twist. What have you found to be the velocity that is most accurate?
What velocity do I want for maximum accuracy from a. 224 FBHP bullet? Cartridge is a. 22-250. Barrel is 1-14" twist. What have you found to be the velocity that is most accurate?
22-250, basically a field rifle.
My chuck huntin' buddy and I shot 55gr Sierra game kings( boattails) for many years in the 3600fps range with both H4895 and IMR 4064 using factory Rem 700 varmint specials .Plenty accurate,no pressure/brass problems. The H380 ball powder loads would pressure spike "right up" with cartridge boxes laying out in the summer sun. Live and learn.
22-250 has good barrel life with a sporting "head hunter" existance. Extensive paper target shooting(hot barrels) will eat 'em right up.Flat bases were good inside 300yds but pretty lame out to 600.