VA 1000 Matches 9 and 10

The results for matches 9 and 10 are up on our website .

Don't forget...matches 7 and 8 haven't been shot yet...November 15th will be the date. Keep track on our website for that also.


Congrats to all. Glad to see my WV buddies do well.

BTW, what was Mike McClain shooting? Put together some pretty nice relay wins.

And by the way

I do believe you were giving me 10pts, right Jim? :D
Looks like them hillbilly folk from WV are doin some sootin!! Great shooting guys, way to take it on the road.
Rob & Mikey,

We found out that they could shoot while holding their breath under water too. How come you guys didn't come out, can't swim with your HG in hand?

The club didn't let a little blowing rain stop them. The targets will dry out before the next match.

next time I am going to bring flippers:D

Birthday Party

Had the kid's birthday party this past weekend. 13 and 7 (on the 30th), where does the time go? Might see Lindsey behind a rifle in the near future. Michael has shot some 22 rimfire matches, but with his autism (Aspergers) the big rifles are too much noise.

Rob Mike was shooting a 6.5-284 and complaining that it wasn't shooting then he switched to 142 SMK a couple of matches ago and has done very well now he just needs to get it together in the shoot-offs.

Thanks Shaun. Those 6.5s are always tough. He ought to yank that barrel and save it. A pair of 3s is a good start at Nats and the World Open.
