Utilizing "Neon" technology instead of lasers for plotting wind-flags....


New member
Home Depot refers to this orange string as "Orange Neon". And unlike my laser gadget, this can actually be seen at 100 yards in bright daylight! :cool:

You simply clamp it to your bench and then walk the string out to the target where you can lay it loose on the ground or stake it with a screw driver. If the grass is too high, or the string sags too much, you can fasten it higher up onto the target posts to hang freely, set your flags, and then release the tension of the cord once you've returned back at your bench.


And there is no safety concerns with this "Neon" as there is with a laser.....unless I'm feeling cantankerous and decide to yank the cord up off of the ground as someone is walking over it.
Thats a good idea Vani.
I picked up an idea I got from Jackie using a flat roll up 100 yard tape.
Jerry H. showed me the flashlight attachment that he attached to his scope last weekend.
That works great, until I got down into a hole and couldnt see it. Funny it was the same whole where I got zapped by the laser.
Im going to see if he can make me one.
Thats a good idea Vani.
I picked up an idea I got from Jackie using a flat roll up 100 yard tape.
Jerry H. showed me the flashlight attachment that he attached to his scope last weekend.
That works great, until I got down into a hole and couldnt see it. Funny it was the same whole where I got zapped by the laser.
Im going to see if he can make me one.
It looks like you need to avoid that hole ! :)
Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
Whatever hapened to simply eyeballing? AND, if one cultivates friends, they can be enlisted to assist :).

All things considered, TK Nolan has the best system, a simple card attached to a hande with a red arrow painted on it. One can easily see that arrow from anywhere on the range. It never needs batteries and is audable anywhere by anyone. Of course, one muct be able to see - - - -
The downside is that this is one more really UGLY looking device to add to my tons of equipment that I cart back and forth from the car to the bench. The rudimentary folks at the range give me a look when they see me rolling all my stuff up the ramp, and must think I'm the son of a bag-lady.

Whatever hapened to simply eyeballing? AND, if one cultivates friends, they can be enlisted to assist :).


As I've been doing for a couple of years now, "Simple eyeballing" over a 100 yard span requires a lot of trial and error. Often when the range is busy, there's a guy 6 feet to my right or left.....and I don't want to inadvertently put a flag in his path. It's kind of uncomfortable asking a complete stranger for assistance the first moment I meet him, and neither can I be sure he understands how to assist in the placement.....

It still amazes me when a shooter at the range asks me "Sir, what are those things?"
I swear, one day I'm going to tell them, "I'm legally blind and use those orange flags to guide me with which direction to point my gun."
Dont worry about it

Vani, it doesnt matter to anyone but you what your equipment looks like.
Jackie shoots some buttt ugly guns but he/they shoot very very well.
Same with Ratigan.
If you spend 10K on gear and finish last it really didnt matter.
If you have ugly gear and finish first then that is what matters most.
Dont let anyone else rattle your cage.
If it does get to you and sometimes they do it on purpose just carry a big 30' contractors tape with you and pull that off your belt and say ahhh dont worry about it I have a special measuring device for your groups today.... they seem to get really quiet.:confused:;)
OK, I'm in construction, specifically concrete and masonry. We stretch us some strings..... to find long straight lines.

We stretch strings, braided and twisted and fused. Strings made of rayon, dacron, nylon, Kevlar, Spectra, polyethylenes and even cotton and jute on occasion. For really high tech stuff we string high tension wires. Idea is to balance cost with stretch with diameter with strength.

I don't like your string :):):)

It's needlessly friggin' HUGE! Huge means heavy and large in cross section which means wind and it's own weight will affect it.

Could I suggest a small fishing reel loaded with 50lb Spiderwire or Tuff-Line??? Set the drag so that when someone walks into it it won't break....and it won't abrade them.

just a thought

Man, I can see it now. A whole bunch of guys are going to be arguing whether baitcasters or spinning reels are the way to go, whether to use red, yellow or green braid & what drag settting will warn off accidental contact while educating the serial nuisances.
Just to calrify and Vani can correct me if I am wrong. But I think the purpose in the string is to set a straight line to set flags to the target not for any other purpose.
Florescent would keep others from running into it.
Thats why I mentioned the 100 yard tape that Jackie uses. I have one too.
Optical Squares are what's needed. You'll be amazed at how well you can line things up with one of these.

Ditto on the optical squares!! You can even buy little 90 degree prisms from a camera shop that allow you to center yourself between two points. Interesting topic.

BTW, it has been brought to my attention that my post above about the fishing line is harsh toward the OP.

For this I apologize, it's not meant to be harsh. It was meant in the spirit of fun and "ugly" as started by the OP.

VaniB, I'm not trying to diss your idea...........
